Once in my room, I throw myself on the bed while Plagg flies around, it's going to be a little different now that we have a guest roaming the halls. But I should still be able to patrol as Chat Noir. Glancing at my computer for the time I see there's still two hours before I go see my lady. I wonder if she has given the miraculous to the others yet. It would be nice to have others around but at the same time I want Ladybug all to myself....even though she doesn't feel that way towards me. And then there's Marinette...


Looking down at my phone, hoping it was Mari, even though we haven't talked normally in awhile....disappointment flushes over me as I look at the screen and see Kagami's name across the phone.

"By the look on your face, I take it you wanted someone else's name flashing across your phone." Quickly looking up to see Felix standing inside my room looking at me with no expression sends my flying out bed. Where's Plagg!? From the corner of my eye I see him hiding behind Felix signaling that he wasn't spotted.

"F-Felix. H-hey man, I didn't hear you come in. And what? No I wasn't hoping for it to be someone else." I scratch the back of my head as my cousin comes deeper into my room.

"So you weren't hoping it was the bluenette with pigtails that messaged you?" My eyes narrow a bit remembering how he was acting towards Marinette earlier.

"That girl has a name, I know you remember it because you sit next to her in class now. And were all over her all day. What's up with that?" I cross my arms over my chest waiting for a response. All he did was smirk at me and causal sits down on my  couch, noticing now he holds a book in his hand.

"If I didn't know any better dear cousin, I would assume you are a bit jealous that Ms. Dupain-Cheng has some suitors chasing after her. And you believe I am one of them. How simple minded of you, cousin." So cold and nonchalant about the whole thing, and saying I'm jealous? That's crazy!

What I hate most is that he's right....I am jealous, I like Marinette more than a friend and I don't know what to do about it. There's Kagami and Ladybug, and now Felix is here. Look at him he looks so reserved. Wait. Did he say suitors? As in more than just Luka?

"What do you mean suitors? Who else is chasing after Mari, besides Luka

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"What do you mean suitors? Who else is chasing after Mari, besides Luka." I don't need someone else as fighting for her attention. "Why did you ask for her help if you've already done the work before?" I want to trust my cousin but it's been so long since we have actually spent time with each other.

"Well dear cousin. You have talked so much about your friends when we would talk over the phone. And that girl in particular stood out to me, she isn't all the you described her. She is rather interesting, so I would like to see the different sides of her. And I used her as an escape goat to get out of working with Chloé." Felix's nose scrunched up as he says our long time friends name.

"Chloé can be overbearing sometimes but she is our friend." I uncross my arms and walk over to my desk and grab a picture frame of the three of us when we were little. Walking back I hand the picture to him so he can look at it.

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