chapter four: (still no title ;-;)

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                                          Side note: no-one else is home except for nightmare and error

Nightmare wakes up to having a massive headache, and he knows why......THE TEAM STAYED UP TO 5 IN THE FRICKEN MORING!!!I

Nightmare: hmm? Where is everyone?

Nightmare then proceeded to stretch, get out of bed, and look for the others. After he looked around the castle, he couldn't find anyone.

Nightmare: oh! The training room! Duh!

Nightmare sprinted towards the training room. He heard punching and grunts. But they were glitch grunts, he already knew who it was but decided to check anyway.

Nightmare: Hello? Is any one hea-

*did I forget to mention that error was shirtless? (Insert Lenny face)*

Nightmare: *explodes in blush* E-Error!? Why are you!? How did you!? When did you!?!? AHHH-

Error: covers nightmares mouth with strings* 5-shut u-u-up

* Uhh side note in my au the skeletons don't need to be turned on to have an ecto body they always have it summoned, but they can still change genders and right now error is a boy,also to make error more hot,(Lenny face) he has scars covered all over his chest and on his arms and legs, also my error doesn't cut himself, alright back to the story!)

Nightmare: *faints of over exposure to hotness*

Error: N-N1GHTM@R3!? WTF!

another CLIFFHANGER boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

errorinkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن