chapter 1

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Error:   ugh---hhhhhh--h--- i-im so-ooo-oo b-b-borrrrred!I

Cross: *kicks down door* did someone say they were BORED!?

Error: Crosss!? W-w-what th3 f--fu-!

Cross: *grabs error, then proceeds to drag* no time to talk! We're playing t or d downstairs, and boss says it he's gonna suffer then we are too!

Error: ;-;

When they got downstairs*

Cross: I got error boss!

Nightmare: good, now who's starting the game?

(Btw a little backstory, the star sanses *ink blue and dream" are now part of their group, and NO this will not have yandere ink! But it will possibly have yandere blue)

Cross: how 'bout you start it boss?

Nightmare:  sighs* fine. cross t or d?

Cross: Dare!

Nightmare: *has a smirk* I dare you~ to kiss your crush!

Cross: *blush floods over (nonexistent) cheeks* w-what!?

Nightmare: you heard me!

Cross: F-fine! *Gets up and walks over to-CLIFFHANGER SUCKERS HAHAHHA

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