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It was Saturday which meant me and Harry were meeting up, except he was the one picking me up this time rather then the other way around.

As I was preparing up dinner for my sisters Lottie decided to help me out because she knew that I had to leave in about 30 minutes and it took me long enough to prepare one dinner by myself so her helping me out helped a lot. As we were finishing up my phone started to buzz in my back pocket and I assumed it was Harry so I looked at Lottie that also knew it was him, and made sure I had her approval that I can leave the kitchen and she nodded her head.

*on the call*

"Hey Haz, whats up?"

"Nothing just wanted to tell you that I've started driving and surprisingly it's only a twenty minute drive, so I'll be there in like 15"

"Ok I'll be waiting, just finishing cooking up some dinner for the girls"

"Ok I'll see you soon, bye-"

"Wait, you mind me asking where we're going"

"Nope I'm not telling you it's a surprise"

"Oh my gosh your such a tease"

"Heyyy you did the same thing to me"

" touché"

"Ha-Ha, ok I'll see you later by Lou"


*Call ended*

I went back to the kitchen and saw all the girls already seated at the table while Lottie and Daisy were putting all the food we had made on the dining table. I went over to Lottie to help her and Daisy put the remaining food on the table, "What'd he say?" Lottie asked looking concerned, "Why are you looking so concerned" I chuckled, "All he did was tell me that he'll be here in fifteen to pick me up, I assume you guys can take care of yourselves yes?" she nodded, "Not concerned, just curious" She said taking the pitch of water to the table.

Not surprised to figure out that other girls have been eavesdropping phoebe asked me, "Wait so if you're going with Harry does that mean you're not gonna be eating with us?" she gave me puppy eyes and now I feel like I've let her down. "Yeh I'm sorry phoeb but it's only for this once" she sighed and gave me a quiet "ok".

Just after that I got a text from Harry saying that he was already on my street I told Lottie that I was leaving and she followed me to the door to make sure that I was getting there safely. I was actually really happy that me and Lottie have grown a stronger relationship over the past few days, I felt like I can really trust her.

As I saw Harry get out of his car to give me a hug I got really excited, but then I saw Lottie hide her face behind the door like a shy kid, I just brushed it off and didn't think much of it. As Harry ran up to me he gave me a bone crushing hug he whispered in my ear, "I've missed you Lou" my heart fluttered and I felt my cheeks get warmer, "It's been two days Haz, but me too" we both just stood there embracing each other for another two minutes. After that Daisy screamed from the front of the house, "It's only been two days get over it" before I could react to her comment she shut the door really quickly and me and Harry made our way to his car.

After two silent minutes of driving I broke the silence, "Sooo you wanna tell me where we're going orrr", "No way Tomlinson, it's a surprise"
I just groaned and he laughed at my childish actions. As he was driving I realized that he was biting his lip nervously and bouncing his leg up and down, when I realized, without even thinking I just put my hand on his thigh and said, "Haz don't be nervous, whatever you have planned I'm sure I'll love it" After I said that he nodded to me and he noticeably starting calming down.


After a long drive we were finally five minutes away and Harry handed me a blindfold, "Ok Lou time for you to put on a blindfold" I took it out of his hand without complaining because I know I did the same thing to him last time. Once we got there he said, "Ok Lou we're here but don't take off your blindfold yet I need to do a few things" I gave him the ok and I heard the car door open and slam shut.

After about eight minutes of waiting I started getting kinda confused as to why it was taking him so long. "Harry you still there? What's taking so long?", "Sorry I'm almost done just one last thinggg.. andddd done", "finally, I cant wait any longer". He came over to my side of the car and opened up the door just like I had done for him when he had the blindfold on. He grabbed me and put one of his hands around my back and one of them linked with mine leading me to the destination which to my surprise only took about ten steps. "Ok you can take off the blindfold now Lou" he said excitingly, now that I knew for sure that I had feelings for him I could definitely say that he was the cutest ever when he was excited.

When I took off my blindfold I opened up my eyes and realized it was already pitch black dark out and then it caught my eye, we were at a drive in movie and Harry set up the entire back of his car to look almost like a bed so we can lie down while watching the move and some snacks thrown on the side too. I loved it. "H-Harry this has to be the best thing anyone has ever done for me" He noticeably blushed, with our hands still linked he looked at me amazed by what I had just said, "R-really? I mean I thought it was a bit simple but I figured that because I just thought it looked a bit messy and maybe I co-" before he can say anything else I grabbed him in for a tight hug resting my head on his shoulder and my hands up in his head of curls, "Harry stop thinking like that, I love it."

He hugged me back tighter around my waist and although it was quite hard for me to breath also considering I was on my tippy toes cause he was taller then me, I realized how special Harry was, he wasn't like another person that you just became friends with, he was one of the most sweetest souls ever and there are no words in the universe to describe how I felt for Harry at this very moment. He was special.

Once we realized the movie had started we quickly climbed into the trunk of Harry's car where he had a mattress covered in a sheet with little fairy lights right above us, he's such a charmer. Once we laid down and got comfortable he moved to the same position he was in two days ago when we were star gazing. With his head on my chest and his hand wrapped around my waist and my hands wrapping around his head. (Look at the picture I put in the beginning).

I guess Harry hadn't realized that the movie he picked out was a horror movie and don't get me wrong I love horror movies but Harry on the other hand....I'm just gonna say that more then half the movie he was tugging on to my sweatshirt and his face was just nudged into my sweatshirt. As he was very noticeably scared I put my arms a bit more towards his eyes so he wouldn't see anything cause I know he didn't exactly love the movie.

When I realized the movie was coming to an end and there probably won't be any more jump scares I told Harry, "Ok Haz I think the movie is gonna be over in about fifteen so I think you can look now". I saw that he just completely ignored me and I was really confused until I tilted my head a bit to see what was going on without moving his head to much, I realized he had fell asleep in my arms. This made my heart warm and I pulled him in closer thinking to myself how much I would want him to be mine, but I can't, I can't risk our friendship. Not yet at least.


Ok so I had the rest of the chapter done but then it was just extremely long so I'm gonna just have a continuation of this "date night" on the next chapter which I already have almost half of it done and I'm gonna start right now❤️

You saved me. (Larry stylinson fan fic) L.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن