part 7 -the guest

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Evelin could hear a lot of noise as the two men were carrying her. She started to feel more and more her body as the hypsosis spell wore off. The road was really bumpy and full of potholes and her captors didn't intent to treat her like a lady so they didn't mind treating her roughly.

They had grabbed her by the arms and were transporting her as they were supporting her by each side.

She was a bit dizzy and not in position to think of an escape plan or a spell that could help her at that moment.

"Awww... "she mumbed.

"Well, hello-hello if it is the princess waking up!" The man an her left said.

"Wha- who are you guys? What do you want from me?" Evelin protested as she tried to clear her mind.

"We? Whay do WE want from YOU?!" The same man laught. "Girl, you came in our hideout like that, not us at yours!"

"What do you mean your hideo-" she started but then remembered everything. " Oh,yeah! I was looking for it!"

"Aha! So you confess your guilt!"

"Guilt? What guilt?"

"You were trying to find our hiding place so that you'd turn us in the goverment's guards! But how did you pass the lady of the lake? How did you win her? She must be strong!" he said to the guy in her right.

"No! It's not like that! I don't want to turn anyone in to anyone! And I didn't won the lake's spirit. She let me through and showed me the way here." She said calmly

"And you expect us to believe you? We're not fools! If you don't want to turn us in then what do you want?"

"I - I am looking for someone here."


"Can't tell you."

"Can't tell us? "

"Nope I can't"

"Then you 'll have to wait till we reach the shelter and then you will be interrogated and forced to tell the truth " the man in her right pointed .

"Can't wait!" Her sarcasm was one of her strongest assets .

After walking in silence for a couple of hours, her feet were killing her and the wounds on her legs were aching pretty bad. Her breath was getting slower and slower as the lack of oxygen inside the bag they wore in her head so she wouldn't be able to see the way.

"G-Guys...." she whispered.

"Huh? You talked?" The left man questioned." I guess even the strongest do break. Do you wanna make your confession now?"

"I-I.... have nothing to confess..." the gasped for air" I am not guilty of anything!"

"Then what do you want princess?" That man was really getting on her nerves.

"I can't brea-breath" she said and tried to fill her lungs with air but found none to suck.

"Yeaaaah, and I am santa clause!" He laught at her.

The other one stayed silent.

"Please... I seriously can not breath!!! " The first wave of dizziness came and she staggered. Evelin was about to pass out and everything began losing colour but she never made it till the ground. She felt someone grabbing her. That same guy lifted the bag off her head and she was able to breath freely.

A third man had joined the party but he seemed different than the other two. The man in her left was a boy in his mid-twenties with blonde hair and blue eyes. He also had a very nice body given his hight ( about 1.80) and seemed cocky enough to know. The other boy seemed about two or three years older than her with brown-red hair and chocolatish eyes. He was quite tall himself but a little bit shorter than the other and he also seemed more... sad and sensible. So the two of thrn came into contrast with the man that was now holding her in his arms supporting her, who was at his fourties with black hair with somr grey at some points and blue eyes. Despite his age the man was really attractive and she felt reasured in his presense. He two was tall an built but it wasn't that that made her feel safe around him. It was his aura. A warm and full of protective feelings aura.

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