Chapter Seven

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Did You Mean It?

A week has passed since you awoke in the hospital and, sure enough, your back healed up and the pain that once stabbed you was gone in a matter of seven days, just as Kakashi had said it would.

Nevertheless, that week that you spent bedridden was far from blissful.

Not only did your back feel like it was crumbling from your own weight putting pressure under it, but the food was even worse!

You thought your late father's cooking was horrendous, but you would rather eat ten plates of his overcooked ramen and burnt octo-balls then ingest one more bland beef sandwich.

The only thing managing to make your stay tolerable was thinking about how Sasuke was doing, as your brother and the rest of Team Seven away on their own private missions. But most of all, your sensei, Kakashi, was also keeping you grounded through this painful time.

Kakashi came every single day that you were here. He was always the first person to greet you when you awoke, and he was the last person you would bid good night to. His simple silent presence was enough to make you burst out smiling. Not to mention the presents he gifted you proved to be the highlight of your day.

At first, you detested having Kakashi go out of his way to bring you gifts. It sickened you to your stomach since you had nothing to offer him back. Every single day he had to take a break to remind you that the presents were his choice and that he does not expect anything in return.

"You in far too much of a strain to be thinking about giving me anything. Just keep resting and everything will be discussed later."

That it was what he would tell you day after day. It wasn't that you refused to listen, more like it was in your nature to want to protest all forms of kindness from those dearest to you. 

You found yourself laughing remembering Kakashi's daily struggle of even getting you to glance at a single item he presented you with. The reason you began to accept the presents in the first place was that you realized how happy it made him, and Kakashi's happiness was something you couldn't wrap inside of a box.

'After all that has happened, I don't deserve any of his attention.'

The first day after the awkward encounter with Gaara, Kakashi brought you a small bouquet of (f/c) (f/f) with stems of lavenders mix in. The bundle of flowers was eerily similar to the ones you were admiring in the flower hut in Iwagakure but you decided not to ponder around the bouquet's similarities too much then.

The next day, Kakashi brought you a small can of western coffee. Though, the nurses gave him an earful about not telling them about the coffee before you gulped it down. He later admitted to you that the lecture was worth each second he got to see you happy.

After the coffee incident, Kakashi bought you a box of dark chocolate truffles. This time around he was sure to ask the staff if you're able to eat them, which they agreed that you could. Those truffles were the only good thing you ate while bound to a bed in the hospital.

The following day, you received two gifts. One from Kakashi, of course, and the other from Gaara. From all the time you spent in the hospital, he only came to visit you twice. That instant marked his second visit. You were able to tell that Gaara was nervous that day because, a soon as your palms grabbed a hold of the galaxy-pattern-covered box, he left without a single word of goodbye. Inside of the thin, long box was a single rose and a note. However, it wasn't any ordinary rose. Its lustrous stem was encrusted in hard metal that was pinkish to the tint. The flower's petals were soft to the touch, silky like a real rose but its color is what differentiated it from the actual thing. The petals were holographic and clear. Pink, white, and blue reflected from the opalescent pedals every time you twisted the rose towards the light. Stating that it was beautiful would be undermining and berating towards the flower since its unique appearance was much more than the word 'beautiful'. Its beauty was in a category of all its own. The note inside read "Infinity Rose" in bold, calligraphed rose-golden ink on the front, and, on the back, there was a message written in thin, burgundy letters that you couldn't recognize:

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