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*your p.o.v*

i couldn't open my eyes. i couldn't move. but i could hear what was going on. i heard voices. they all sounded so familiar. kairi? and vic? robert, taylor and alejandro? but no mattia.

"doctor y/l/n, please report to room 326," i heard over the speaker. meredith? is that where i am? room 326? a minute or two later, i heard her enter the room. guess i am i'm 326.

"oh my god, what happened to her? why is she here?"

"she... um... i think she should tell you. when she wakes up," i heard kairi say.  i felt her presence beside me.

"it's all gonna be okay sweetheart. you'll be okay," she said.  i felt her petting my head slowly. then i heard beeping.

"i'm being paged. if she wakes up, page me immediately," she said to someone before i heard footsteps departing.

"kairi, we're gonna go get some food. are you gonna come?" i heard robert ask.

"i'm gonna stay with her. you guys go."

"okay, call us if anything happens," i think taylor said.  after they left, i heard a chair scraping across the ground. then i felt someone grab my hand.

"hey y/n. it's kairi. the nurse said you can hear us, so, i'm gonna talk to you. i just wanna say thank you. for being an amazing friend. you're the most generous and amazing ball of energy that just makes everything better. i also want to say thank you for making mattia the happiest he's been in... i don't even know how long. what i am saying is we need you here. so, please, come back. wake up. i love you teeny," he finished and i could tell he was tearing up.  i love you too tiny. a few seconds later, i heard footsteps.

"anything?" i heard taylor ask.

"no. where's everyone else?"

"they're eating. i left cause the food was shit," she replied.  kairi laughed lightly.

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom. i'll be right back," he said.  i heard footsteps, signaling that kairi had left the room.

"hey y/n. it's taylor. i miss you. yeah, i saw you like three hours ago, but that was different. i wish i would have known what was going on. i wish you would have told me. maybe i would have been able to help. please wake up soon, we all need you," she cried.  why can't i just wake up?

"anything yet?" i heard vic ask. other footsteps followed hers.

"nothing," taylor replied. i heard someone else enter the room.

"mattia's on his way, i'm gonna go wait for him out there," kairi said.

"okay. we'll let you know if anything changes."

*mattia's p.o.v.*

this fucking elevator isn't moving fast enough. i got to floor three, the doors opening. i sprinted through them and looked for room 326. as i ran past the waiting room, i heard someone call my name.

"mattia!" i turned my head to see who it was. it was kairi.

"kai! is she- is there any change?"

"no, she's the same. listen mattia. they don't know if she's gonna wake up."

"what? what do you mean. of course she's gonna wake up," i said.  he didn't say anything. i left him standing my himself and ran down the hall.

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