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     (Y/n) truly didn't think of herself as a crier. She was emotional, sure, but she only cried when something seriously effected her. It wasn't like she didn't feel like crying, it was just that she never really had the energy to do so. Kusum often encouraged her younger sister to cry if she needed to, but (Y/n) was all too aware that no one liked crying. It was uncomfortable and there was no such thing as a pretty crier. That was mainly why she had decided to stay in her room today, to avoid possibly seeing the two people who made her feel like she was about to burst into tears.

     She had let Lord Diavolo and Lucifer know that she'd be doing her classes online today, and they really couldn't say no. (Y/n) had a certain look that made her seem like a kicked puppy, denying her was hard at the best of times. Purgatory Hall was quiet, something that (Y/n) found herself thankful for. She had been in the House of Lamentation and it was very loud, yelling, crashing, things of the like early in the morning and late into the night. It was hectic there and she often found herself feeling severely bad for her older sister. It had become obvious to Simeon and Luke that she was going through a rough patch, so they opted to leave her alone and give her company when she needed it.

     She was thankful for them, of course, but Solomon had been rather... pushy. Not exactly in a bad way, just that he was trying to get her to come out of her room. (Y/n) understood, but she wasn't too fond of the idea of leaving her safe haven. Kusum had stopped by earlier that day and (Y/n) had been locked up in her room ever since. She wasn't... ignoring her sister. No, that was far from the truth. (Y/n) just didn't feel like dealing with anyone at the moment.

     Of course, that wouldn't stop Solomon from being in her presence.

     He didn't mean to be annoying, not with her, but he realized that he could be irritating. She just wanted some time alone, poor girl. Too bad Solomon was kind of a sadist. He had taken the day off as well, had spent some time roaming, and had bumped into none other than Kusum herself. She looked irritated, which was understandable, of course. Her dark brows were creased together as her onyx irises narrowed at the white-haired male in front of her. He knew her sister well, Kusum knew that much, so she had searched him out. It had taken her two hours straight to do so, but her goal had been accomplished nonetheless.

     "Where's (Y/n)? I went to her room and I don't think she was there," Kusum says, her dark fingers coming to fiddle with her tie. Solomon admittedly made her a little uneasy, but he was friends with her little sister. It wasn't like she could avoid him. "Hm? Oh, she's there. She just doesn't want to see you or Leviathan right now," Solomon said, not fully thinking out his words. He realized his mistake immediately, but did nothing to correct it. "Ah, she's resting right now, is what I mean. (Y/n) had made it clear to me that she wants to have some alone time, with me." That wasn't exactly the truth, but it was close enough.

     Kusum's dark features turned confused as she stared at Solomon. He wasn't... serious, was he? It was a joke, it had to be. Kusum and her sister were close, much closer than her and Solomon. She wouldn't chose a man over her own sister, would she? No. That wasn't like her at all. Kusum decided to leave it be. If (Y/n) didn't want to see her, she wouldn't force it. They were going to talk later, though, Kusum would make sure of it.

     Solomon had already made up an excuse, so why not go and bother (Y/n) while he had the chance?

[I named MC Kusum, it generally means flower. Also, MC is a woman of color in this book!

Solomon is so very shady but I love him dearly]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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