Chapter 9

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Azazel slowly dragged his gaze away from Lilith and stared at Addie, swiping his tongue over his jaws. "What?" He asked slowly, as if mildly annoyed by the 'small inconvenience'. Seeing his easy confidence sent shudders down her spine, but Addie managed to raise her chin, looking down on him.

"I heard about Iman-" Her beginning was cut off by a low growl.

"I told Imani the consequences," Ares roared, sitting up from beside Azazel. The leader looked confused for a moment before gathering himself. "Imani, uh..., cubs!" He called, the impatience in his voice disgusting. A moment later, Imani was guiding Zarina across the clearing, Kefira by her side.

At the sight of Addie, Kefira's eyes lit up with surprise. "Y-You told them!?" She exclaimed. Zarina lifted her golden eyes to meet hers, before looking away, her tail drooping.

"I didn-"

"I thought.....I warned you.....of what would happen!" Ares roared, unsheathing his claws. They were long and sharp enough to belong to an eagle.

Addie's breath caught in her throat as she realized what she had done. She closed her eyes. I shouldn't have tried to stand up to him! What would I have said!?

When her eyes opened, she realized that Kasim was now next to Zarina, who was cowering behind him. "Don't. Hurt. Cubs!" He shouted, his face only inches from Ares'. The bigger lion pulled back and thrust his chest out. "I'm bigger than you, you know that." He said, a threat in his voice.

Addie realized that a loose circle of an audience was growing, and shivered. Did they really want to see this? Did she really want to see this?

"You're nothing but a bully!" Kasim said, mustering up all the power he could use in his voice.

"The cub's right." Imani said with a growl. "Stay away from my cubs."

With a snarl, Ares lunged at her, pinning her two shoulders down in an instant and raking his claws across her face. Kefira and Zarina whimpered, pressing close to their mother. Imani sat up shakily, the blow had luckily avoided her eye, and stayed silent, blood dripping down her cheek like tears.

"We may be nothing but bullies, but we're the ones that rule you!" He exclaimed into the silence.

"A group of terrified lionesses is nothing to be proud of ruling." Kasim growled.

"You're forgetting about the terrified prince and princess." The edge to Ares' voice shook Addie to her core.

"I'm not scared. And I know Addie isn't, either."

"I wouldn't be so sure that that's what you'd like to say," Ares said, his muscles tensing with irritation.

"You're just upset that not everyone's scared of you." Kasim lifted his chin. "Well I'm not."

"And why is that?"

"Because-" Kasim's sentence was broken off as Azazel roared with impatience, jumping on Kasim easily and pinning him down. Addie froze in terror, her heart thudding uncontrollably in her chest.

"This is to any-" The leader paused to wince as claws raked at his stomach, but his voice grew louder. "This is to any lion who thinks that we're going to pause for a second to take care of the royal members!" He roared. Then Azazel paused, and looked down at Kasim from underneath his paws.

Kasim was panting, but he still didn't look scared, as if he believed he somehow had the upper hand. Shakily, he forced out a breath. "We need heirs, now don't we?"

And that was the last sentence he ever uttered.

Okay, before we go on, let me get one things straight.
I. Love. Kasim.
I have absolutely NOTHING against him, this is just part of the plot :')
So, don't forget to vote and comment your opinions, please!

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