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Nick Pov.
Me and Tony went out to grab Starbucks I was getting our drinks and Tony waited outside by his car when I finally got our drinks I walked out and saw something I didn't like Tony was talking with some girl and she clearly was flirting with him I watched them and waited till she walk away but she was still talking to him and touching him I would walk over but I was kidna embarrassed she had this pretty dress on and really good make-up and I had on only sweats and Tony's hoodie which was a little top big so I looked bad. Then Tony noticed me and walked over
-Hey babe ready to go?
-yeah I guess
I noticed that girl give me dirty look and walked away. When we were in the car Tony wanted to grab my hand but I pulled it away
-what's wrong? You mad at me?
-Tony it doesn't matter let's just go home
I don't know why I'm acting like that to be honest I know he didn't flirt with that girl but he didn't said anything about being taken either
Tony Pov
After we went inside the house Nick just ran away to his room and slammed the door
-woah he's okay?
Chase asked
-I don't know  when we were out some chick started to flirt with me and I think he saw that he doesn't talk to me since then
-he's probably just sad
I now noticed Chase in on facetime with Noen
-talk to him Tony he needs you to prove you care
-yeah you right Noen thank you so much
I went upstairs and wanted to walk into Nick's room but the door was locked
-baby please let me in
-why should I?
-because I love you and I need to talk to you
I heard some noise and the door opened after I walked in I saw Nick siting on his bed hugging his teddy bear
-you cried?
I asked seeing his red eyes
-why do you care?
-are you kidding me right now?! Nick you're my boyfriend how could I not care?
-then why you let that girl flirt with you?
-are you really jealous about some random promise 
-I'm not jealous! I.. I'm scared
He had tears in his eyes I sat next to him on his bed
-what do you mean Nick?
-did you saw that girl?! She was beautiful! Perfect outfit, perfect make-up, perfect body and me? Ugly, dress like a homeless man and I'm way too skinny why would you even what to be with me when so many perfect girls want you?
I was speachless it hurt me knowing my boyfriend feels this way about himself and some stupid girl had to flirt with me so he can tell me about it
-Nick I had no idea you feel this way I'm sorry. But that is complete bullshit! You are not ugly you are absolutely beautiful, you have the most beautiful eyes I get lost into everytime I Look at them. You don't dress like a homeless man you have a great style 
I grabbed his hand and took him to the bathroom we stood against the mirror
-your body is perfect. You're not too skinny your weight is how it should be. I want to be with you cause you get me like nobody else does not even Ondre, you always make me laugh, you always protect your loved ones and I fell for you since I laid my eyes on you. I love you so much Nick and I'm sorry about today I should've said something
-it doesn't matter
He said wiping off his tears
-I love you Tony
-promise me to talk to me when you feel bad yeah? I want to help you baby
-I promise

Hi guys! First I want to thank you for all of the votes and views on this book! You made me believe I actually can write 😂❤❤
I know this one isn't the best but I really liked the idea. Hope you liked it
Also what do you think about all the drama that's going on? Personaly I think they handle it the wrong way like way too many people were involved in that. I think that when Josh and Charli found out about Chase kissing Nessa they should talk to them off the internet. I hope that now eveything will get back to the way it was before between sway and hype but I still wanna know WHAT THE FUCK DID NICK DO?! Like some people said he hook up with Mads but I don't believe it tbh.. so if they all are mad at him for defending Chase then I will be so pissed cause it's his best friend for the love of god!

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