Chapter Ten

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I walk hastily down the road. It was far too cold for me to be out here. When Ashton dropped me off I made him do it a block down due to the fact the little shack I call my house was embarrassing to say the least. Though, of course, it had to rain the minute he drove off.

I squeeze my arms together against my chest and put my head down ignoring the water that fell harshly on the top of my hood and down my body. The sky was grey and filled with droplets of bullet-like rain fall. The house wasn't far, but with my strength weakening I nearly collapse. My knees continuously lock and my vision drags at certain times but other then that it wasn't too bad. Though if I had my pills I'd be fine right now but of course, I had already made enemies at school.. and one of them just so happened to destroy the only source of my well being.

The road seemed never ending. I kept stopping for short breaths or to wipe away the water from my face.

Finally meeting the house, I walk up to the step and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god" I mumble to myself. Before pushing through the door.

The men at the council instantly become quiet and stare towards me. Jeerot at the head chair, faced my way with his lips pushed together into a flat line. His eyes giving a cold, and unreadable glare. The purple and red cape on his body was laced with blood giving me the, oh so common, strong craving.

"Michael you're home." Haytis says abruptly after the minute of silence and I nod walking forward. 

"Yes however, do not worry. I made sure that Ashton knew nothing of our house's location." I say, keeping eye contact the whole time.

"That is not in our concerns at the moment." Haytis says, once again.

"Is there a problem between the council?" I question beginning to unzip my jacket and all men stay silenced.

"No, though there is something that you need to know about." Jeerot exclaims and I slowly take off my jacket, holding it in my arms, raising an eyebrow.

"And that would be?" I ask and the men all exchange glances.

"Lucas can explain what is happening when he returns. For right now, wash up out back, you look rather dirty." He says. I wasn't dirty, nor unclean.. Just hungry.

I nod and follow outside to the back of the house. There, was a shower hanging on the back wall. It was small and there was a tub of soap used for your body and hair on the ground. For something that was supposed to get you clean, being outside and using the soap for both aspects of your body made me feel even dirtier than not showering.

I slowly undress, looking down at my pale body, marked with scars all down my legs, arms, stomach and everywhere else. Then, turn on the water. 

It was warm as the water dripped down my face, and into my hair. It made my body tingle slightly with pleasure feeling the warmth that this shower delivered. I cleaned my body quickly and then my hair, but merely stand there.

Suddenly the night sky catches my attention and I look up. Thousands of stars mark the blue above my head. I think about a certain someone, the boy whom I spent my weekend with.

the memory of Friday night came to mind. The way Ashton's body felt so small in mine, his curvy figure being pressed against my chest. He smelt like axe cologne and fresh soap. His hair which I played with while the boy slept was like cotton. Soft, yet slightly tangled curls, that laced between my fingers in this unexplainable way. I feel a smile tug at my lips as I begin to relive the moment

A few minutes later I shut off the water and grab the dirty cloth which had also hung next to the shower head, and began to dry off. I ruffle my hair with the cloth and then, wrap it around my waist.

I walk lazily into the house, pushing through the door, going into my room. It was quiet, the council meeting was dismissed and I seemed to be alone. I go into the box in the side of my room and change into a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

"Michael, Lucas is home." A person, whose voice I couldn't actually make out, says. I look at the dirt stained mirror that hangs on my wall and stare at myself before returning out to the main room. The blond haired boy was sat down at the large, table in the main room.

"I'll leave you two to speak." Father says nodding in Lucas' direction before exiting into his room. Luke's face was masked with nerves, his teeth biting down on his lip. He fiddled his fingers and stared at me anxiously.

I grab a seat across from him and look into his pale blue eyes.

"Michael, I want you to know this was not up to me. At all." He says quietly, avoiding eye contact and staring at his hands. I raise my eyebrow slightly. "The council wants to reassign you, to a new location." My breath hitches in my throat at his words.

"What do you mean by that? where?" I ask and he lets out a sigh.

"I'm not too sure, New York I think-" before he could even finish speaking, I cut him off.

"New York? That's too far away! What about you? And Ashton? I don't want to leave, I can't!" I shout abruptly, standing up from the table. Luke shook his head, coming near me but I push him away roughly.

"Michael calm down." He says soothingly, but for some reason I couldn't be calm, I didn't want to leave.

"Don't tell me to calm down! Tell them no! I'm not leaving!" I continue to yell and to my surprise, I feel a trail of tears fall down my eyes. Was I crying?

Luke looks at me and I feel myself melt, emotions piled up all at once. I felt so overwhelmed. My breaths were quick, and my hands shook violently. I couldn't leave here, what about Ashton? I would never see him again! I wouldn't be able to protect him or hear his laugh or see his smile..

"Mikey I know it's hard but you can survive without Ashton." He says and suddenly I snap.

"No Luke I can't! Maybe since you weren't normal at one point you don't understand what love is, but I won't leave Ashton's side no matter what! I love him!" I yell and Luke's eyes widen and so do my own. 

Did I just say.. I love Ashton?

Boo! Haha hey babes :) I finally updated!! Who's excited? I know it sucks but I swear I'm going to update again soon. I didn't forget about you guys, I promise <3 So feel free to vote/ read/ share with your friends/ add to your library and leave comments! I love reading comments, they always make me smile ;D Okay I love you guys! xx

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