Chapter One

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I pulled my sleeve down passed my hands and covered my face with them. I shivered a little. I was cold and I felt sick, it's been a while since I've eaten. I can't eat it's a horrible thing, even if it costs me my health. I isolate myself away from people, trying my hardest not to be with human beings. Sure most people just think I'm shy and antisocial, I can't be near humans though. It will cause me to do the thing I hate most.


Yes eating is something everyone of my type has to do. It makes me weak when I don't but I'm taking a "special pill" from a "special doctor" to keep me okay. I looked around my class they were all far in front of me. I pushed my desk to the back corner in the beginning of the year. My teacher is worried for me, she thinks I'm depressed. But no, she's mistaken, I don't have feelings like that anymore though. Maybe fear.. Fear of hurting people for my selfishness. Suddenly my name was called but I avoid looking up, my teacher has the audacity to call on me even when she knows how I hate attention.

"Michael would you read the next passage?" She asked and I shook my head as other students turned around to look at me. I didn't even have a book on my desk to read. She gave me the normal look of concern before continuing to read on for herself. I smelt blood. All around me, some dried up or fresh, new cuts were obviously the easiest to smell. It drove me insane knowing I needed it.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. It's hard, like if you were to be starved for weeks then suddenly a whole platter of food was placed in front of you, only thing, it was all meat and you were a vegetarian. Most people would probably just eat it anyway and forget about their beliefs but even that example can't compare to such a thing as eating a real and breathing human being. They scream for help and beg for you to stop as you tear at their skin, all because of your demands for food. I'm not like most other vampires. I don't like other people to feel such pain. It makes me feel like a bully. I hated myself for how I had to live, I was always cold and looked at every person as a meal.

I looked up at the clock. A little less than 5 minutes left in sixth period, then off to lunch. Not that I eat anything. It won't satisfy my needs. I hate the lunch room probably worse than any other class. Perfect place for bullies to pick on me or teachers to come up and ask me why I'm not eating.

I'm not fucking starving myself.

Not to lose weight, Anyway.

I let out a small sigh and looked at my hands, a whole bunch of scars on them. Not selfharm scars, considering that's how many people see it. But I'd do something like that. Cut myself, trying to get blood to drink. Sadly it never worked and now I have ugly scars all over my body. Something kept bugging me, someone.

They were bleeding at the moment. Scratching themselves, picking open a scab, something of those sorts. I tried to sit still and ignore the smell but it filled my nose, making my mouth basically water at it. It was so refreshing smelling. I squeezed my fingers together and moved a little having to hold in my craving for it. Suddenly the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and hurried out of the classroom and into the hallways. Lunch, hallways and gym class were usually the worst. Most crowded with people, which made urges stronger. I knew two other kids who were like me in this school Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood. They weren't as weak as me though. They'd eat. Preying on defenseless people from this school. I walked into the cafeteria and made my way to the back. I couldn't get a library pass today, so I sadly have to spend the period in here. I looked around, I didn't have any friends in this school. None. I'm alone most of the time but that's honestly how I like it. That way I'll control my hunger, my temptations. I saw someone from the side of my eye, approaching my table. Ah yes, just as I spoke of before another vampire.

"Michael we need to talk to you, it's about.. you know" luke said. Him and Calum sat across from me at the other side of the table.

"Yes, I know. So what do you want Luke?" I asked and Calum moved towards me.

"The woman you get your pills from well Luke doesn't want to feed on humans anymore so he wants some" he said quietly. I reached into my back pocket and looked inside the small bag of pills. it was a small red pill, one could last a while but I didn't have many left. I bit my lip and poured a few in my hand.

"I guess since you're used to eating just take a few of those. You'll have to go see the doctor I do to get more if you need it but I can't help past those." I said quietly and Luke shoved the pills in his pocket. He and Calum gave each other quick stares, Luke thanked me before leaving my table. I rolled my eyes at them. They were probably the two closest things I had to a friend in this school.

I guess I'll just hang out in the bathroom most of the period, that's just some shit I do. I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom. I was right whenever I said how bad I looked..

My hair was dead, my skin was pale, there were dark circles around my eyes, I honestly did look dead. The door opened and a kid quickly ran through, into a stall. I think he was in my English class but I'm not sure. The stall door slammed behind him and I looked back. It was quiet for a while then suddenly I smelt it again. Blood.

Why would I smell blood in the boys bathroom?

It was strong and almost calling to me. Suddenly I couldn't take it and I went towards where he was. I looked into the small crack between the door and wall. The kid had a blade out scratching at the skin of his wrist. Small droplets of blood dripped down his wrist. My eyes widened at the sight and I could feel my fangs tingle a little. He had a sad look on his face. I felt some bit of sorrow for the kid. I moved back and took a deep breath, slowly I reached out and knocked on the stall door.

"Y-Yes?" He asked and he moved around shoving the little piece of metal in his pocket fanatically.

"Y-You shouldn't do that to yourself" I said quietly and he stood up off the toilet and opened the door looking at me. I stared back at him and his eyes widened. "What?" I asked quietly and he shuffled his feet.

"I never heard you talk before" he said and I pulled his wrist towards me, lifting up his bracelets. His wrist was still dripping blood. My stomach dropped and I couldn't breathe. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"Please don't tell on me! My mom will beat me if she find out I started cutting again.

"Don't do it in school anymore. Don't do it near Luke Hemmings or Calum Hood. Do not leave this bathroom until the blood is dried and cleaned up do you understand?" I asked squeezing his wrist and biting my lip. He gave me a confused stare.

"Do what I say and you'll be safe" I whispered and let go of his wrist, I started to leave when suddenly he called out.

"What's your name?" Without turning around or even stopping I yelled back to him.

"Michael!" I called as I left the room. i leaned on the wall trying to calm myself down, but I could barely breathe. Blood. My biggest weakness and I can't do anything about it. I just can't eat.

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