City Concert

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The heroes make it to Inkopolis, and to their confusion, the whole city is dark, being only lit up by spotlights scattered all around the place.

Infinite: Umm...

Jen: This isn't the Inkopolis I'm used to... It looks dead...

Laura: Yeah, something's not right...

Cristina: ...I know who this boss is...

Crystal: Who is it, Cristina?

Cristina: Tom Phan, AKA Phantom.

Luna: Uhhhh... Okay.

Cristina: He's annoying... These spotlights are what helps him.

Infinite: Alright. Sounds easy enough.

Cristina: His way of attacking is sending Boombursts. He sings a loud tone, which sends a wave of damaging energy at us.

Infinite: Soundwaves?

Cristina: Yeah.

Some spotlights come on in the distance.

Flame: Huh?

Jane: What?

It's Phantom on a stage, getting ready to perform in front of a group of Rabbid Corruptions. Some Corruptions are guarding the spotlights.

Infinite: Crap, should we split up again so we can take out those spotlights one by one?

Turco: That's our best bet.

Snow: I'm okay with splitting up this time...

Luna: Don't worry, Snow. We'll do this together.

Snow: Okay, Momma.

Infinite: Alright, you know the drill, everyone! Split up, and take out those spotlights!

Everyone splits up. Infinite finds one spotlight on top of a house.

Infintie: *Jumps up on top of the house* Hello there!

Smasher Rabbid: Bwegh! *Smashes Infinite with its piano*

Infinite: OOF!

Smasher Rabbid: *Kicks him off the house*

Infinite: Whoa! *Quickly grabs onto a gutter*

Smasher Rabbid: Bweeeegh! *Smashes Infinite's fingers with the piano* (OUCH!)

Infinite: FUCK! *Stabs the Smasher Rabbid in the ankle*

Smasher Rabbid: Bwegh!

Infinite pulled himself up and kicked the Smasher Rabbid in the face, knocking it out.

Smasher Rabbid: ...

Infinite sees someone familiar trying to rip the spotlight out of the roof.

Generous: Ngh... Agh... Come on...!

Infinite: GENEROUS?

Generous: O-oh!

Infinite: *Hugs her* What are you doing here, Gene?

Generous: *Hugs back* This spotlight just randomly appeared on top of my house...

Infinite: Wait, this is your house?

Generous: Yee~

Infinite: Ah, I see~ Alright, lemme get this spotlight off the house for you.

Infinite punches the spotlight, shattering it into pieces as glass and small sparks fly through the air.

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