II.The Toilet Rocker Enters

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After Jimmy ran over that innocent school girl and robbed her of any money she had he was back on the road driving out of suburban area and out into the wild outback, as he was dressing himself with a wifebeater he found in the back of the pedo van he saw a hitchhiker with his thumb out in the road holding a cardboard sign that said "I need to get downtown to watch carti" Jimmy pulled over to pick up the bald man who looks about eight feet tall, "nice goatee" Jimmy said as he opened the door for the skyscraper that was about to enter his car

"Thanks chimp"

"It's Jimmy big man"

""GG" said the skyscraper as he tried to fit in the van.

GG did eventually manage to sit in the van it looked more like he was squatting to Jimmy but that was whatever, after several minutes of driving in silence a tire blew out and Jimmy being well a fucking chimpanzee fucked around and crashed into a big ass wooden pole, right before crashing Jimmy managed to yell every curse word under the sun as for GG his big ass legs protected him from any form of brain damage.

Jimmy woke up a minute after the crash busting open the door with his strong ass chimp legs before pulling GG out of the car before catching his breath since GG was heavy ass man "oi big man wake up" Jimmy said as he lightly slapped GG on the cheek

"Ugh what the fuck"

"Don't worry big man with your big ass fucking frame we can rob someone of their car if they stop to help u-"
Jimmy stopped as he saw someone slice the fucking van in half with with the longest long sword he's seen in the 140 years he's lived on this earth "Ohh~ Allin~" Said the man as GG awakened like the fucking undertaker, GG then flexed off his clothes... somehow and Jimmy was just there thinking the blunt he found in the van was more than  just a blunt.

"So you came" said GG as he popped every bone known to man and some extra

"Of course you still owe that fucking gas money Allin"

"Christ you're stingy"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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