Chapter One_ I'm Not Leaving You

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I was on my way back from school Peter was at the Hale house with Phoenix

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I was on my way back from school Peter was at the Hale house with Phoenix.
I suddenly felt like I was on fire I then heard pained howls I recognised it as mine and Peter's family howls I ran faster than ever but when I got to the Hale house I was greeted by a horrifying sight it was in flames I half transformed into my Alpha form I ran to the front door I kicked it down and ran into the house.
Lucy Hale: PETER where are you.
Peter Hale: I'm by the basement door.
I ran to where the basement door was to see peter trying to get in.
Lucy Hale: What's wrong.
Peter Hale: They're all trapped down there.
Lucy Hale: Where's Phoenix.
Peter Hale: He's upstairs go get him and get out the house.
Lucy Hale: Promise me you'll get out the house too I can't lose you Peter.
Peter Hale: I promise babe just go get Phoenix please.
I kissed Peter and I ran upstairs and into the spare room I saw Phoenix sitting on the bed with his blanket.
Lucy Hale: Phoenix.
Phoenix Hale: Mommy I'm scared.
Lucy Hale: I know baby come here.
He ran to me I picked him up and covered him with his blanket I ran downstairs and out the house that's when I realised Peter wasn't out the house I saw Noah Stilinski at the front of the house I walked over to him.
Lucy Hale: Noah will you hold Phoenix for me.
Noah Stilinski: Yeah of course.
I handed Phoenix to him I then heard Peter's pained howl I turned to see Peter fall to his knees I ran over to him he was in tears.
Lucy Hale: Babe look at me.
Peter Hale:(Crying) I couldn't open the door I couldn't save them.
Lucy Hale: Hey look at me.
He looked into my eyes ours were both red.
Lucy Hale: You did all you could Peter  Phoenix wants and needs his dad right now he's terrified.
He wiped the tears off his face we stood up and we walked over to Noah.
Phoenix Hale: Daddy.
Peter Hale: I'm here little one.
Noah Stilinski: Lucy why don't you go to the hospital to get you all checked out.
Lucy Hale: Yeah I think your right.
I grabbed Peter's hand.
Noah Stilinski: I can give you a lift if you want.
Lucy Hale: Yeah thanks Noah.
We got into his patrol car and he drove to the hospital.

Melissa and Agent Rafael McCall-------------------------------------------------------------------------We arrived at the hospital me and Peter got out the car he was still holding Phoenix I looked at Phoenix and saw that his lips was turning blue

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Melissa and Agent Rafael McCall
We arrived at the hospital me and Peter got out the car he was still holding Phoenix I looked at Phoenix and saw that his lips was turning blue.
Lucy Hale: Phoenix.
Peter looked at Phoenix he wasn't breathing we ran into the hospital I saw Melissa and Rafael standing there I was so scared.
Lucy Hale: Melissa please help him.
She ran over to me and Peter and took us into the ICU they got him breathing again I was standing outside Peter was inside the room with Phoenix I felt a pain in my stomach Rafael rushed over to me.
Rafael McCall: Lucy you ok.
Lucy Hale: Yeah I'm fine Rafael.
I suddenly got the pain in my stomach again I collapsed to my knees.
Rafael McCall: MELISSA.
He picked me up in his arms.
Rafael McCall: Lucy are you pregnant.
Lucy Hale: Yes I am pregnant.
They took me into the room next to Phoenix's room.
Melissa McCall: I need to do an ultrasound to see how the baby is doing.
Lucy Hale: Rafael get Peter for me he deserves to know.
Rafael walked out the room he got Peter when he saw me he rushed over to me.
Peter Hale: Babe what's wrong.
Lucy Hale: They have to do an ultrasound on my stomach.
Peter Hale: Why.
Lucy Hale: Babe look at the damn screen.
When he looked at the screen and saw our baby he smiled.
Peter Hale: Your pregnant.
Melissa McCall: Do you want to know the gender.
Lucy Hale: Yeah.
Melissa McCall: It's a girl.
Peter Hale: I'm having a daughter.
Melissa McCall: Congratulations you two oh and Lucy we want to keep you and Phoenix in for the night just to keep an eye on the both of you to make sure your ok.
Lucy Hale: Ok can I sit with Phoenix please.
Melissa McCall: Yeah of course you can just take it easy please.
Lucy Hale: I will I promise.
I got out of bed me and Peter walked into Phoenix's room I sat on the chair by the side of his bed.
Lucy Hale:(Crying) Why did this happen to us to our families to our son.
Peter turned he walked over to me and kneeled down to my level.
Peter Hale: Hey look at me there's nothing we can do now and I promise you no one and I repeat no one will hurt you or our children.
I stood up and Peter sat on the chair and held me in his arms as I cried.
Lucy Hale:(Crying) I miss my mom dad and twin brother.
Peter Hale: I know we'll get through this together we'll give our families a nice and perfect send off I promise you.
Lucy Hale: I love you.
Peter Hale: I love you too.
Five hours later
I woke up to find that I wasn't in Peter's arms I then looked onto Phoenix's bed and saw Peter asleep with Phoenix by the side of him I ended up falling back to sleep not long after that.

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