Kira: bird edition

Start from the beginning

We kept walking until we got to a fountain with a small tortoise on the side.

"Ugh, turtles freak me out so much." "Tortoises" "nerd" "At least I'm not scared of them" "You know what, because of that, I'm gonna touch it." "Do it pussy."

Josuke crouched down to stare at the reptile while I sat down next to it. I touched its shell with my index finger "See? it's not so scary." "Easy for you to say, it just looks so freaky." "Well maybe we look freaky to it, but you don't see the tortoise freaking out and calling you gross do you?"

Or little conversation got rudely interrupted "What the fuck are you doing here, who you you think you are!?" I looked up to see a bunch of, to put it nicely, rough looking guys in uniform all staring at Josuke.

"Well this turtle looks like it just woke up from hibernation, and you see, I don't really like turtles. I'm actually kinda scared of them... so well, I was thinking I could maybe overcome my fear-"

"We weren't asking about that shit! Stand up dumbass!"

I stood up and grabbed Josukes hand "come on, we don't have to deal with this shit."

"Oooh, I didn't notice her before." I just stared at them and I could feel Josukes grip on my hand tighten. "Hey idiot, is that how you look at your seniors? Oh is she your little girlfriend? Hah- why don't you come with me girly, I'd show you a better time then he could."

"Fuck off or you'll be the first cis man to experience a period." I flipped him the bird and tried to walk off only to have two of them grab my arms from behind and yank me back. The one with blonde hair picked up the tortoise "you wanna end up like this? Huh?" With that he threw the tortoise at wall, cracking it's shell and it bled.

I tried to fight back against their hold without my stand, I didn't want things to get too ugly, but it was to no avail. I saw Josuke walked over to the turtle and lightly touch it as his arm slightly glowed pink, I sighed in relief.

"Man, fuck you and your boyfriend's dumb hair." I tensed up at his words, and then laughed. "Oh boy you're really in for it now bud" he was about to slap me before Josuke interrupted "The fuck did you just say about my hair?"

All of them turned to his direction only to all be pummelled the the arm of his stand, horribly mangling their faces in the process. They let go of me whilst they fell back, blood and teeth flying everywhere as their bones cracked.

I walked over to the blonde one and stomped on his gonads with my heel and spat on his face, "hmph, dickhead."

I turned to look at Josuke and smile only to be met with... Jotaro? standing ominously behind him.

Josuke seemed to notice where I was staring.



1046 words

Sorry I pulled a bit of a

Sorry I pulled a bit of a

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On you guys.

I had work and when I didn't I decided I was gonna rewatch life on Mars because I was too young to understand it when I last watched it so like I just couldn't be bothered to write.

Anyways, I'm gonna try to update more regularly now, also I've already got the first two chapters of the VA x reader up, I might fuck around and start a SDC one


[REWRITE SOON] Unforgettable - Josuke X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now