Chapter 4 ♡

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Harry reluctantly opened his arms and gestured for Draco to sit down, with a grim look on his face.

"Where do I-?"

"There!" Harry cried, pointing at his lap, "or would you rather die of hypothermia?" he said the words as fast as possible, as if repulsed by himself. 

Draco gulped and groaned.

Harry leaned forwards to face the desk once again, "Fine, don't. We'll both be cold." 

"Ugh, fine. But if you enjoy this I swear to Merlin-"

"You actually think I want you anywhere near me? You really think I want you on top of me?"

There was an awkward silence and both boys flushed red. Harry cleared his throat and sat back again.

"Get on with it Malfoy." Harry complained uncomfortably. 

As Draco lowered himself onto Harry's lap reluctantly, but immediately sprung up with contact with Harry's leg.

"Just sit down you git." Harry exclaimed, who was now shivering worse than ever.

"It's too..." Draco began.

"Weird?" Harry offered.

"More than that. It's bloody vile."

"Malfoy. If you don't fucking sit down, I swear to Merlin as soon as I get hold of my wand, I will hex you into oblivion! I'm fucking freezing and I want to go to bed, so sit the fuck down so they can let us out!" Harry yelled furiously. 

Draco froze, gaping at Harry as though he'd never been spoken to like that.

"What? Is poor little rich boy used to people speaking to him nicely? Are your ears too delicate for my profanity?" Harry mocked.

Draco didn't know what to say. There was another tense silence.

"He's finally speechless. Well that's a start." Harry  drawled, after studying Draco's contorted face for a few seconds. 

Anger began to bubble up inside of Draco, "Look, that's not going to make me sit down any faster-" 

"Oh grow up Malfoy and try to think of someone else for a change. Get you head out of your snooty rich boy, 'I don't care, I'm better than everyone else' arse and sit down because I'm tired of your bullshit."

Silence filled the room. Harry knew that what he'd said had struck a nerve with Draco, as the blonde stood there absolutely mortified. Malfoy's face dropped but  he didn't say anything; he simply walked over to his seat at the back and crawled up in a ball. 

Harry watched as the boy shivered silently.

"You don't know- You don't- You have no fucking idea do you Potter?" Draco whispered.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, slightly regretting his outburst.

"You have no idea what goes on in my damn house. No fucking idea."

Harry was stunned. 


"Had no idea? Yeah, I realised." Draco snarled softly, "Just because you live with muggles you think you have it worse than everyone else, Potter."

Harry went to protest but Draco spoke over him.

"What? You think just because my dad's rich and I have a big house that I'm happy there?" 

"No I-"

"You just assumed that because my family has gold that I sit around eating caviar all day? That precious little Draco gets everything he's ever wanted? My family..." he trailed off and faced away from Harry, who had just begun to realise what he'd said.

Harry gulped and immediately regretted what he'd said. Even if he and Malfoy weren't ever going to be the best of friends, Harry knew he'd overstepped a line.

"Malfoy, this is what I mean. We need to find a way to be around each other without...this happening. Not even for Ron or Blaise, but for us."

Draco looked up, "Us?"

Harry ran his hands through his hair, "Yeah- No I mean not US us I just meant, so that I don't overstep any... boundaries, like did just now. Because we HAVE to get on if we want our friends to be happy. Maybe we could have some ground rules or like an unspoken agreement of some sort-"

"Ground rules are fine." Draco replied.

Harry, who was both happy that Malfoy was complying but also shocked that he was so willing to so fast, walked over to Malfoy and faced him. 

"Okay, so the first obvious rule should be no discussing family or home lives?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, that seems fair, it can work both ways." Draco agreed, Harry nodded.

"Okay you give a rule now." Harry offered.

Draco leaned forwards in his seat, thinking deeply.

"Don't assume I eat caviar." 

Harry smiled, "That's it? That's your rule?"

Draco's expression softened, "Well yeah, it's vile. Absolutely disgusting stuff. I would NOT recommend ever eating it." he shuddered.

"Okay, noted. I won't assume you eat caviar...anymore."

And for the first time in a few years, Harry saw Draco smile; a wide, toothy grin that made Harry sit back and admire how different he looked wearing a smile, he looked younger and healthier. It was unusual but beautiful.  

"What? You're staring." Draco asked, self-consciously covering his face. 

Harry snapped back into reality, "Uh, nothing I was just trying to think of another rule..."

"Okay, what is it?" 

"No insulting my friends, or THEIR families, like calling Hermione... that word that you always call her, none of that, it really hurts her feelings." Harry said.

"That's the whole point," he began jokingly, but he changed his tone at Harry's stern look, "What? You're actually taking away the only joy I have during the day? Aw man." 

"Yes I am, I'm sorry to tell you. No more insulting my family, Ron's family or Hermione's blood-status or parents."

Draco groaned, "Ugh, fine. But I have question regarding that term." 

Harry studied Draco's expression, "Depends. Go on."

"What if he insults me first? Can I just not insult his family or anything to do with that?" 

"No, you can't. Sorry." Harry replied, smirking.

"Well you're no fun." Draco whined, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms.

Harry laughed.

"Okay, I have a rule," Draco began, "No staring."

"What do you mean-"

"Oh come on Potter, I catch you staring at me all the time. It's really weird, don't you think?"

"I- I mean-"

"That's my rule. Take it or leave it. Actually, you have to take it so ha."

Harry sighed, "Okay fine, no more staring."

Draco smirked, but began to shiver once again.

"So, friends?" Harry asked, holding out a hand.

Draco studied the hand for a few seconds before saying, "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks."

Completely taken by surprise, the pair of them burst out laughing. 

"Friends." Draco said softly, shaking Harry's hand.

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