Peter: No I mean Brian :/

Natasha: And who is Brian

Peter: My main man
Peter: He makes all my decisions
Peter: they aren't all good decisions but at least he makes a choice

Mr. Clint: Kid why is your brain making you want to commit arson

Peter: You mean *Brian
Peter: And he just wants what best, and what's best is for me to make fire like the caveman I am

Mr. Tony Sir: You concern me sometimes
Window Licker Grant: Is this what your doing with your time off school?

Peter: My Brian is goo, no thoughts may occur

Mr. Tony Sir: Kid you haven't been away from school that long, why would your brain not be functional after what missing 1 day of school

Peter: It's not the school... it's the caffeine. I don't think my body can handle it? I don't feel so good and I don't know if that's from the not eating or the like 12 energy drinks I've chugged in the past hour

Mr. Clint: Oh god I really do see the similarities between you and Tony

Peter: Mr. Tony Sir also chugs energy drinks?

Window Licker Grant: More like he lives off of coffee, doesn't sleep for days on end and forgets to perform normal human actions such as eating at regular intervals

Peter: Okay Brian's definitely not functioning properly, the only reason I can spell right is I'm using the voice to type thing. Things are a little blurry. Repeat in smaller words

Natasha: What Steve's saying is that both you and Tony fail to care for yourself. You drink too much caffeine, don't eat food and don't get enough sleep
Natasha: It's a wonder either of you have lived this long

Peter: I live off of pure luck, I've nearly died like... too many times to count like at least 7 times this year that I can remember 

Mr. Tony Sir: I live off of spite. I live in spite of those who wish me dead. I'll outlive them as a final "fuck you!"
Window Licker Grant: Language Tony, there's a child here

Peter: A child that knows all the no no words

Mr. Clint: Gasp however did you learn these no no words. Young ears should not be subjected to them

Peter: I did my research. And watched a lot of YouTube. I needed to know what my battle cries meant when I went off to fight captain America
Peter: I will throw him off his groove, people say he does not like swear words so I will distract him

Mr. Tony Sir: Kid I thought you already got your revenge by creating that bonfire which got you suspended

Peter: Eh gave me temporary satisfaction but I still have anger, my life goal since I started high schools and got subjected to the Psa's has been to fight captain America. What else would I do with my life if I didn't have that goal

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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