The 9th Part

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An: Woah I did not realise people would actually want to read this. Plus sorry for most of the plot so far being Peter wanting to Fight cap, just thought he would have that pent up anger over the Psa's they are being forced to watch and thought it'd be funny. Thanks for reading and all the comments :)

Fight Club

Peter: Brian told me I can't eat today so guess I'm going on a temporary hunger strike? What the strikes for, I don't know

Cool Guy Bucky 😎: Who's Brian and why is he telling you to not eat today? That's unhealthy Kiddo

Peter: Brian rules over all. I do as Brian says

Mr. Tony Sir: Do you need help kiddo? We can get you away from this Brian if he's hurting you
Natasha: Is Brian your caregiver? Is he not feeding you?

Peter: I mean technically I guess Brian cares for me in the way of he controls all that I do. But I control what I eat, he just gives me unhelpful suggestions
Peter: Like yes brian I get it, you want Ben and Jerry's but you gotta remember, we don't have the money for that!

Mr. Tony sir: Kiddo if you tell me this Brian's last name I can get you some help, he really shouldn't be controlling all you do

Peter: Brian has no last name.He does not understand what you speak of

Natasha: He has no last name? does that not set off warning bells for you?
Mr. Clint: He's definitely suspicous if he's got no last name, must be a criminal or something. He's definitely hiding something

Peter: What Brian isn't hiding anything >:/ no secrets at all

Mr. Tony Sir: Kiddo, if Brian is stopping you from eating than maybe he's not so good for you to be around
Mr. Tony Sir: We just want you to be safe

Peter: Pff I could never get rid of Brian, if I got rid of them I'd be dead

Natasha: Kid! That's definitely not good

Peter: Brian wants me to commit arson so I'm gonna go think about that for a bit

Mr. Tony Sir: NO KID
Mr. Tony Sir: Arson can get you jail time, and it's wrong

Peter: Fine :/ no arson then

Cool Guy Bucky 😎: Who's Brian kid and where can we find him

Peter: Brian is with all of us, he controls you

Natasha: You speak of Brian like he is a god, he does not hold control over us. He's just a man

Peter: My Brian controls me and your Brian controls you

Mr. Clint: Huh
Mr. Tony Sir: Okay kid what are you talking about

Peter: Brian controls all, he feeds us thoughts of arson.

Natasha: Are you trying to say Brain?
Mr. Tony Sir: Okay that makes more sense

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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