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(I will try and keep the style somewhat the same, but no promises)
Kaminari's POV

I walked into my room with my bowl of cereal putting it down on my small nightstand.

I sat down on my bed, staring at the food in front of me. I knew that if I didn't eat it now it'd get soggy. So I picked it up and began to eat the sugar coated flakes.

I could feel the petals inch up my throat, scratching against the sensitive inner walls.

I stood up, making my way towards my small bathroom. I stared at the toilet with anger. Kneeling down in front of it, I shoved my ring finger and middle finger down my throat.

I felt my throat burn with acid, but nothing came out.

I continued to push further, holding my fingers there for elongated amounts of time. But nothing would come up.

Meaning the petals in my throat would stay scratching at my flesh.

Tears left my golden as I stared down at the water in the toilet.

Thoughts of my red hair friend entered my mind catching me off guard. The way he spoke to me, touched me, hugged me. It all came back.

It hurt to remember, knowing Bakugou is the one doing these things with him now.

I felt my body fall back, hitting the wall, choked sobs leaving my throat.

Eventually the thoughts pushed me to my limit, puking flower petals and whatever I ate on my tile.

The toilet in front of me taunted me as I stared at my soiled clothes and the bloodied petals. It was pitiful.

Standing up, I grabbed some paper towels and wiped up my putrid mess and flushed it. I stripped my clothes, feelings the cool air against my pale body, shivering.

I stepped into the shower letting the cold water from starting the shower up hit my back. I would've flinched away but I felt numb.

Feeling the water heat up on my back felt nice against my skin.

Even when it was much too hot I still never changed the temperature. The feeling of my skin being burned felt nice, like it was what I needed.

I looked at my reddened arms rubbing them.
Feeling myself as I stared at the shower wall.

-0_0- There was more writing here but I'm choosing to leave it out -0_0-

Thoughts of Kirishima continued to invade my mind  and I felt petals rush up my throat as I clasped my
hand over my mouth to keep it in.

I quickly finished up my shower and changed. The flowers begging to be released.

Grabbing a cup of water I chugged down the petals. Not wanting to have to puke again.


I woke up at 6 am, staring at my bedside table.

There were petals in front of me, indicating I had coughed some up in my sleep.

Blood staining my white comforter.

Huffing in defeat I stood up leaving the mess on my bed and getting ready for school.

Even though my chest ached feeling as if someone was pushing on it constantly, I ignored it, slipping on my school uniform and trudging out the door.

——In Class——

(I almost started writing my Iidakami story-)

I'd only been Awake for 2 hours and I already felt drained.

Class started minutes after I sat in my seat, and time flew as I dozed off, my head laying on my desk.

I could tell people were staring at me weird because of the way I've been acting . It made my back tingle.

Being sat behind Kirishima (?) didn't feel like a blessing anymore, just looking at the back of his head made the rose petals in my lungs beg to be released.

I swear at one point I saw Bakugou peer at me with concerned eyes, but I must have imagined it. Because it do be Bakugou.

Lunch finally rolled around and I made my way towards the cafeteria, sitting in my usual spot next to Kiri.

I couldn't help but think that maybe Kirishima may not want me to sit by him anymore, but I stayed despite it.

I watched as the rest of the group sat and began talking about random stuff, I tried to tune into the conversation, but the feeling of Bakugou's piercing eyes prevented me from doing so. Making me distracted and nervous.

I glanced at him, our eyes locking for a brief moment. I felt awkward, I went to turn away but then Bakugou spoke.

"Hey, Pikachu, are you okay?"

I could hear Mina gasp dramatically "Bakugou can feel sympathy?!" She placed her hand on her chest and leaned onto Sero "I never thought I'd see the day! Oh me oh my!"

I giggled as I watched her cause a scene, forgetting for a moment that I'd probably have to talk to Bakugou later.


The bell rang and I began to make my way back to the dorms; not wanting to talk to anyone.

Before I could make it to the comfort of my room I felt a hand stop me. Gripping me shoulder with urgency.

I turned around quickly in shock, my face colliding with someone's chest.
Flustered I pushed myself back.

"Sorry-" I had began before getting interrupted.

"Kami... I- I'm sorry man. I should've considered your feelings and listened to you. I misunderstood and let jealousy take me over. Can we still be.. friends?" Kirishima confessed, a light coat of tears glazing his eyes.

I felt a unstoppable smile take my lips. Bouncing on my heel and looking into Kiri's eyes "Of course! I'm glad we are past this.. thank you." I hopped forwards and hugged him close.

Bliss taking over,

but not for long.

*not proofread*
Ima end this chapter here. It's hard for me to write this because I can't find the initial motivation or want to write this. But I'm trying. And im kinda adapting the story to something I'd like more now so the writing will improve on future chapters.

I'm also struggling in general to come up with what should happen next because I don't have plans I had when I first started this. So if you have any suggestions let me knowwww


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