"I have my ways, Michael." She hissed, matching the words he'd say to others. She had completely lost her mind—but he was easy on her.

He understood Naomi's anger. She loved him and the reason she's doing all of this is because so. "We were so happy." She shook her head. "All of a sudden...when you attained your father's business-"

"I didn't attain anything." He shook his head at her, holding out a finger. "That building and business is mine. I built it Naomi. You think I just took something from my father and chose to ignore you but that ain't the case. It's a lot of work."

She kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes. "So you're saying our marriage went down the drain because you became too busy with your stupid business?"

His teeth gritted against each other and he was already done with conversation. They've had it many times. "Naomi you have your own business too. You're busy too! So it ain't only my fault. I'm married to my work and so are you. We aren't meant for each other." He said

His words made her even more angry, making her connect the bat to the car again as he stared at her blankly. He pulled out his phone and called up his security on the woman.

He thought she'd be locked up for a while after the whole incident at the gala dinner but he knows she's just as powerful as him when it comes to courts and making business. It's a skill they both acquired.

"It would- be better- for this bat- to be hitting your face right now-but this'll have to do!" She said in between hitting his car with tiring grunts. She's worn herself out finally and at this point he thought she'd stop.

He was calm now, but the second she hops off this car and heads over to another he's gonna have to throw her out—literally.

Moments later, black cars showed up behind his gate and he opened it, allowing them to take Naomi away who was still yelling complete nonsense in the distance.

"Sir, are you sure you don't want a restraining order on that woman? She's gone ballistic." Bill, one of Michael's security said to him and Michael shook his head. "Nah she's good. I'm letting her get her anger out. I'll justify my actions this way." He replied

Bill looked back and shrugged. "Whatever you say."

And before going back inside, Michael leaned into Bill's ear. "I'm gonna need security at night and possibly 'til morning now." He lowly said, making Bill nod his head and head on out. "We'll have this car taken care for you too."

Michael glanced at his watch seeing it's now 7am. He spent a minute too long situating the complete craziness happening outside. "So much for some damn sleep." He muttered. He has to start heading to his office today. He has another meeting.

He slipped on his usual black suit jacket with a dark purple button up inside. His pants matched his suit, a nice ebony to match the theme of his building as always. Once again, he had no appetite for breakfast and just opened his fridge to get a yogurt and was out the door.

He didn't need chefs and cleaning ladies roaming around his house. He lived there with the absence of Naomi so there's not much to cook or clean since he's just tending for himself. No kids, no other family to bother him throughout the day that would require maintenance.

He could just eat when he gets to his workplace.

The drive there was uneasy. Sure he still saw his face on billboards on his way there but the hype wasn't there anymore and he wasn't sure why. He was a proud man just a few months ago and now his business is slowly "flopping"

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