Modern AU : Senku & Kim

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Kim stood in the doorway of her house, scrubs on and purse slung over her shoulder. Her twin boys grinned up at her with innocent smiles.

"Dad will be home in a few hours." She sighed. "You know the rules." She pointed at one.

"No fighting." He rolled his hazel eyes, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Kim nodded and pointed at the other.

"No going into Dad's lab." He grinned up at his mother.

"And the most important rule?"

"NO! FIRE!" They shouted together.

"Alright. If anything happens call Grandpa. Unless it's an emergency, then call me or Dad." Kim glared at the boys, who began to fidget as she got closer to leaving.

"Go to work, Mom." The oldest of the two, Kamin, stepped forward and held his mother's hand. "I'll keep Kasen in line."

The smirk on his face was the same as his father's when he had had a new idea or scheme he wanted to try. Kasen gave an indignant grunt before swinging at his older brother. The younger of the two definitely got his mother's temper an loud mouth.

Kim caught Kasen's arm before it connected with his brother's head.

"Not helping boys." Kasen struggled to free his arm. "I'll see if Grandpa can come watch you." Kim pulled out her phone.

"Moooommmm!!!" They whined. "We're eight. We can be home alone!!" She couldn't help but giggle as they spoke in tandem.

"Fine." She shoved her phone away. "But, if I, Dad, or Grandpa call an you don't answer..."

"Grounded." The boys frowned.  She gave them hugs and kissed their faces before giving them one last glance.

"Behave." She said before closing the door.

Kamin and Kasen waited by the door until they heard their mothers car drive away.

"Dad will be here in three hours." Kamin called as he ran toward the back of the house.

"Mom will call in about 15-20 minutes and Grandpa about half an hour after that." Kasen raced after his brother, swerving into the kitchen to grab the hand phone. He ran back through the house and met with his brother at a locked door.

"Dad changed the lock." Kamin frowned.

"It was bound to happen. You should have been more careful taking stuff." Kasen punched his brother. "We could play with Mom's drums and stuff. I don't think she locked the studio."

"No. I wanna be in the lab." Kamin leaned forward looking closely at the new lock. "It's definitely a code but, knowing Dad, there's probably a finger print or an iris scan too."

Kasen stared at his brother.

"Well, I don't wanna get in trouble so..." He shoved the other boy, who slammed into the door. Kasen cackled as he ran to his mother's studio to play with her instruments.
Kamin stood pinching his nose to stop the bleeding. He stared at the lock, contiplating how to crack it.

"Kamin!" Kasen yelled as he walked towards Senku's lab. "Mom wants to talk to you."

The lab door was open and Kamin was mixing something in a beaker. He held out his hand for the phone.

"Hi, Mom." He answered, continuing his work.

"What are you doing, buddy?" She asked.

"Watching TV. A documentary on stars and fission." He answered calmly.

"Yeah?" He hummed in agreement. "Dad should be home in an hour or so, he was able to get out of his last meeting early."

"OK." He softly set down his glass stir stick, so she wouldn't hear.

"I'll be home a bit after supper if everything stays the way it is. Grandpa is coming over too, so clean up the house a bit too, please?"

"We will, promise." He gave his brother a knowing look.

"Alright. Thank you for behaving. Love ya both."

"Love ya too, Momma." He hung up the phone. "Grandpa is coming over. Clean up." He tossed the phone back at his brother.

"Me?! What about you?" Kasen snapped.

"I'm busy working with Nitric acid. I can't walk away." Kamin shifted the goggles over his dark ruby eyes.

"Mom says if you blow up the house, she's putting you up for adoption." Kasen sneered before walking away.


"Boys!" Senku called as he walked into the house. "What are you doing?" The house was oddly quiet. Kim had messaged him saying Kasen was in her studio and Kamin was watching TV. But, he had a feeling they were lying.

He padded softly through the house loosening his tie. The living room was empty. Kitchen empty. Their room empty. The studio empty. He quickened his pace towards the lab.

The door was open and a dark orange vapor had settled on the ground. He ran in, pulling his shirt over his face. Glass was scattered all over the work table an floor. Kasen and Kamin were perched on the counter  pale and looking scared.  They met his concerned gaze. Kasen spoke first while Kamin teared up.

"I told him to stay outta the lab, Dad! I came to check on him and it blew up!"

Senku carefully made his way to the frightened boys and gathered them in his arms, bringing them to the kitchen.

"I told him Mom was gonna be sooo mad when she found out."

"Kasen, hush." Senku checked over Kamin, removing the goggles.  "What did you mix?"

"Nitric acid and isopropyl alcohol." The boy sniffled. "Is Mom really gonna put me up for adoption when she finds out?" A few tears tumbled down his cheeks. Senku chuckled.

"No." He gave the boy a soft smile, wiping away his tears with his thumb. "All of us are going up for adoption now."


Byakuya met Kim at the door.

"What happened?" She glared at him.

"Everyone is fine. No one got hurt." he raised his hands trying to keep her calm. Kim pushed passed him, kicking off her shoes and dropping her bag at the door.

"Boys! Senku!" She called out heading straight for the lab. Senku was sweeping up glass and the boys were putting beakers away.

"Hey, love." Senku smiled. "Guess I forgot to actually lock the door." Taking the blame for the boys getting into the lab.

"What happened?" She took in the damage. "What. Blew. Up?" Senku beckoned Kamin forward.
He confessed what happened, wringing his hands.

Kim rubbed her face, sighing heavily.

"You're not gonna get rid of us are you?" Kamin asked softly, head down.  She gave Senku a confused look. He pointed to the other twin.

"God, no." She chuckled. "Your dad an I paid way too much for you both. I'm just glad ya'll are ok." She pulled her son into a soft hug, kissing the top of his head. "But, you both are grounded."

"Yes, Mom." the boys said together.

"Finish up here, I'll start supper." She gave senku a quick kiss, leaving them to finish cleaning.

Byakuya sat at the kitchen table with a small smile on his face.

"I blame you, old man." She gave him a tired smile.

"Like father, like sons." He shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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