Chapter 1 : It Started With a Whisper

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"No!" I scream. "Get away from me!"

I'm in an extremely dark place. My voice doesn't echo, and I can't judge the size of the area. There's something in this room with me... and it isn't something I want to be around.

I hear something move behind me, but I somehow know that what's behind me isn't evil. It's what's in front of me that I have to worry about.

"Well, well, well." From deep within the pitch black depths of the darkness I hear a deep, harsh voice utter, "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

Before I know it, there's a glint of silver, and there's a thin, sharp sword just centimeters from my neck. It doesn't touch me, but I know that the evil entity that's wielding it won't hesitate to slit my throat.

I don't know what to do. I don't think I'll be able to get away from this... thing. All I can think to do is scream.


"Oh my gosh, Lily stop! Wake up!"

My eyes flash open, and I'm greeted by the noise of someone screaming at the top of their lungs. It takes me a second to realize that it's me, and I stop. I'm in bed in my room, and my 12 year old sister, Kira, is standing next to my bed. She was probably told to wake me up because my family couldn't stand the screaming.

"You are so annoying! Why have you been screaming in your sleep so much lately?" Kira asks.

"I think it's because of the dream I keep having." I reply. "It's been the same terrifying one for weeks now."

She gives me an 'I couldn't care less' face and heads for the open door. "My dreams are great, thanks for asking, Lily." She mumbles as she leaves.

I sit in bed for a moment, trying to shake off any memories of the dream, to no use. It was so vivid.

I decide that I've been laying around long enough, so I roll out of bed and onto the floor. I look around my small bedroom for a second as I decide what to do next. My bedroom doesn't have much room, thanks to my full sized bed and my youngest sister's small daybed. There's a bookshelf, a desk, and two large dressers, one of which has a TV on top. The walls are a cream color, with rough brown carpet on the floor. Add all those things up, and you get a rather ugly, cramped space. I guess being the oldest of five siblings sort of guarantees that you aren't going to have much personal space.

I get up from the floor and make my way to the full length mirror that hangs from my door to see how bad my bed-head is. In the mirror, I discover that I'm a mess from tossing and turning in my sleep.

There's something that sets me apart from most of the other people my age, though. I, Lily Faris, have a secret obsession with the Legend of Zelda. I've played most of the recent games, except a few, like Spirit Tracks, Oracle of Ages and the first few games in the series because I don't have the right game consoles, or I simply could never get ahold of them. I've always found myself leaning toward Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild being my favorites, due to their amazing world designs. It's gone so far that when people ask me which male celebrity is my favorite, I have to refrain from saying Link, so I just say something like "Tom Holland" or "Harry Styles".

I move from the mirror to grab my brush and work through the knots in my hair. I put on a light blue t-shirt and some running shorts, as well as some white running shoes, although I only intend to wear them on the brief walk to the mailbox in a little while. Summer vacation just started a week ago, so I'll have plenty of time to go outside and frolic later. For now, before I get stuff done, I'm gonna play some games. I don't need to leave the house for work until later, so

I press the power button on my big, boxy TV, and watch as the screen comes to life, along with the familiar high pitched sound that most old TVs make. The screen is on, but dark, with big white letters in the top right corner that say: GAME MODE. I press the power button on my Gamecube (yes I still have one, don't laugh) and the TV lights up with the Gamecube's opening theme and the cute tune that plays along while the logo forms. I sit down on the floor as I breeze through the menu and get straight to the game that I left in the console... at least I thought I left a game in the console. The menu says that there isn't a game in it. I get up from my place on the floor and make my way to the console. I press the button that opens the disc tray, and to my surprise, there's a game in it. At least I think it's a game. There's nothing on the top. It's just a plain little silver disc. I take it out and examine it, to find that it has a few minuscule words printed on the top, but they're right on the edge of the disc, an unusual place for putting the title. The text is so small and light that I'm surprised that I noticed it. It says : The New Legend .

I put it back in the console and start it up again. I'm interested in what this game is, because I'm sure that I didn't have it yesterday. I get to the part of the menu where you start the game. This time, it actually works, with its title displayed on the screen. I start it up and the screen goes black. The TV turns off, as well as the Gamecube, and worst of all, the lights go out. My bedroom has a window, but the curtains are thick and block out the light. I'm left standing in the darkness. I start to feel the panic rise in my chest, and I'm about to make a run for where the door should be, when something stops me dead in my tracks.

"Well, well, well." The same creepy voice from my nightmare murmurs. Unlike my dream, the voice is right in front of me this time. Then it hits me - this is just another nightmare. I can't really get hurt by whatever is lurking in the darkness. I'm actually impressed that my own mind made a dream so realistic! It all seems so real, like I'm actually in my room with a terrifying, murderous entity.

Before I know it, I'm speaking. "This isn't even real." I laugh.

There's no response, and for a second I think I've won. Then, the dark entity utters, "Silly girl, you think this is all a dream. In that case, it's time you wake up."

All of a sudden, I feel something on my left arm. I look over to see the edge of a blade touching my forearm. Something isn't right... I feel it. Before I can comprehend what's happening, the thin sword makes a quick move, and makes a large gash in my arm.

It stings a little, and then it starts to burn intensely. The pain is unbearable, and I scream in agony. What the hell is going on??

"No one can hear you." The disturbing voice emanates from the depths of the shadows.

I realize that in my nightmares, there was always something safe behind me, but this is real. Still in excruciating pain, I turn around using my right arm, the one that isn't gushing blood, to feel around for something, anything to save me from this.

Suddenly, the terrifying voice returns. "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" It whispers. Instantly I feel myself being lifted from the ground by some strange force. The darkness starts to brighten until the light completely returns.

When I can see again, I realize that I'm not in my room anymore.

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