Heading into the chamber

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Realizing that none of the Slytherins really liked Malfoy really had changed Harry's views on them. To him the only reason he was hesitant to even speak about actually being a Slytherin at heart was due to Malfoy. However could you even blame him, he was a pompous idiot who didn't even understand how the world would work once poor daddy was dead. Not to be extremely negative but one would be able to get the point.

Deciding to skip Hagrid's class he asks to go to the bathroom with no plan to head back. Going to moaning Myrtle's bathroom he plans on trying to go back into the chamber. Given the fact that it had collapsed he didn't have the hugest expectations.

After saying hello to Myrtle he tried once to get through however he ran into a complication, he forgot how to speak parseltongue. He never spoke on purpose only on instinct, wanting to try it out he thought of some easy words he could try to say. There was no one there so why should he be embarrassed. Descending to try to say hello he pulls from his gut to try.


It came out as he expected, half in parsel and half in english. Trying again he was finally able to get it. Remembering what the password was he again pulled from the same feeling.

The moving door opened leaving behind a collapsed ceiling, tsking he pulled from the feeling of waiting the rubble to levitate. His thoughts were put to a stop taking in the finished product. Dropping down he begins to brace his fall getting into a rolling position just letting his body do what it believes is needed.

"This place is a dump, I knew it would be but not this bad bloody hell."

Wandering around he took in the site, he barely remembered the rooms. When he saw them he was in a panic not really paying attention to the beautiful and intricate detail engraved onto all of the totems. While it was arrogant and disturbing to see as many Slytherine statues in one place it made sense. If this was a place one could re-charge and be hidden, without the help of mirrors you could catch one's best features with a statue.

Doing a couple knocks on the side, he determines the sturdiness of them, it was almost like a maze, never once the same. Turning in multiple different directions he left little pieces of rubble he found in intricate places where only he would remember.

Finding a dead end he tries once again the code, maybe it was one of the places where you only need to say a code to get into he thought. It wasn't the best choice due to the unstableness of the rooms. Never once having checked and making sure no animals were around he hears a slytherin sound. DID THE BLOODY SNAKE SURVIVE?

Tip toeing around sneaking behind statues he tries to find where the sound is coming from. With a mirror handy he walks backwards keeping an eye out. When he finds the snake his eyes widen with horror. There was a baby basilisk.

It seemed to be humming a tune.

A very weird tune.

Where did it learn said tune from?

Nobody other than him is able to get down, he thought. Dumbledore couldn't even do it.

He had forgotten about the fact paintings that have been enchanted never really die. It was well known that in each founding house's room you could find an enchanted painting of said house.

Maybe not as well known as I think, it seems only purebloods know of said rumor. 

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