~The Girl I love and the girl I thought I loved~

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Raelle's blue eyes seemed to pop out of her skull when she had said that Scylla wanted to see her again "Absolutely not! She's dead to me, why can't she just leave me alone and let me be happy for once! Haven't I had enough pain in my life without her digging up old wounds?" She cried tears flowing from her crystal irises thinking about the loss of her mother last year and being lied and manipulated by Scylla only to lose her to now.

"Hey, hey take it easy. You don't have to see her if you don't want to. But I would strongly suggest you think about it, if I had the opportunity to get closer from my parents I would take it in a heartbeat." The curly haired beauty said, but then she started to zone out as if she was lost in a daydream or a trance of some sort.

"Excuse me I'm needed elsewhere for now, but just think about what I said.." she said distantly as she left the training room in a hurry.

Leaving Raelle with a lot to think about.


"Hurry the fuck up Abby!" Logan hissed at her cousin. Abigail, Tally, and Logan were all in Alder's office searching for the mysterious files on Tally Craven and trying to find out more about her powers and her father Leanbow Alder.

"I'm trying but it's not here like you said it was dumbass!" She said ignoring the paper cuts she was getting on her fingertips hastily flipping through page after page of paper work putting it back where she found it originally.

"Damnit she must have moved them somewhere else! She's so fucking paranoid that someone is going to break in and steal her stuff that she moves her shit around constantly." Logan said, to which Tally and Abigail both looked at her

"Umm....we ARE breaking into her office and stealing her shit!" Abigail pointed out to which Logan flipped her the bird and told her to keep looking.

Tally was starting to feel her anxiety rising in the pit of her stomach and felt as if she was about to be sick from her nerves "I think I need to throw up." She said clutching her stomach as she began to taste the bile rising into her esophagus,

"Hey! You better tell that kid of yours to keep that shit down, the only reason why we're even in this mess is because you wanted to nab this damn file so badly instead of doing the logical thing and just ask your freaky father what your freaky powers are." Logan hissed at the redhead,

"Your the one that told me about it in the first place." Tally shot back, breathing hard to try to ease the sick feeling in her stomach.

"That's because you fucking asked me, either way keep the sick down! I'll be damned if I loose Raelle over this, I am not getting deployed because of a stupid file." Logan started biting her fingers to the point where Abigail saw that she was starting to spiral and ran over to her.

"Hey, hey it's okay Lolo, just stay calm. You won't lose her okay, it will be okay." She said in a almost soothing motherly way that Tally had never seen Abigail act like before. But she could tell that Abigail was usually the one that was the one that helped Logan ground her if she was having an anxiety attack or sensory overload.

Abigail gently pulled Logan's fingers out of her mouth and hugged her tightly, it was then Tally could see she had chewed on them so hard that they were now all bloody and she was shaking.

"It's just that..Raelle is the one good thing to ever happen to me and I don't want to loose her. I'm a fucking freak and I'm so scared that she's going to realize that and leave me..or worse." She started to sob thinking about losing the love of her life was to painful to even think about.

Tally saw the girl's pain and quickly came over and wrapped the girl in a tight hug (well as tightly as she could with her large full term belly getting in the way.).

Motherland: Fort Salem. Cravenwood storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن