Chapter 22-new emotions

Start from the beginning

The pup and tiger cub ran up to Elliott and jumped onto his back. "Ha! We got you Mr. Elliott!" The cub laughed.

"You sure did" Elliott chuckled. The wolf pup looked up to see Natasha, a spark of Curiosity showed on his face. "Oh! Oh! Is she the lady you were talking about! The one you really like—"

Elliott's eyes widened. "Ah! hahah! I told you to keep it a secret" he whispered to the pup.

"Oh don't be shy mr. Elliott! See she's smiling!"  Elliott looked up to see Natasha, a slight blush on her cheeks.

Elliott rolled his eyes as he stood up. "Okay kids, how about you two go and rest for a little while, and later today we can go to the pond with more of your friends" The two smiled. "Okay! Bring your girlfriend too!" The two took off leaving a Elliott there chuckling.

Elliott shifted back into his human form, his hair was a mess, his arms covered in dirt and a green color from the grass. "You get along with kids well" ruby said.

"Well I didn't have a choice, they made me play tag with them" Elliott stepped onto the patio standing next to Natasha.

"So the big bad wolf was forced to have fun?" Natasha joked. "Or are you just a sweet little wolf?"

"Uh n-no I'm still tough, I Uh well—"

"I'm kidding Elliott" Natasha patted his shoulder.

"Can I be honest?" Elliott raised an eyebrow looking down at nat. "Yeah"

"I had fun playing tag" Elliott looked away embarrassed.

"Aww that's sweet" Natasha teased. "Isn't That sweet ruby?"

"It's very sweet"

Elliott shook his head. "Ha Ha very funny, get your jokes out now"

"Wait till tony hears about this" Elliott's head snapped to her, he pointed a finger in her direction. "Don't tell tony" Elliott pleaded.

"Oh you'll never know Elliott"

For most of the day ruby showed Elliott and Natasha around the village.

The village had a very comfortable feeling, the shifters lived in harmony, no drama around them just the calm nature of a peaceful home.

"Mr. Miller! Are you ready to go to the lake?!" The wolf pup ran up to Elliott and Natasha.

"Sure thing Liam, you told your friends?" Elliott responded.

"Yes! Their all over there!" Liam exclaimed running around the two.

"Okay, okay, we'll be there" Elliott chuckled. Liam smiled before her ran off to the lake.

"Cute kid, seams to really like you" Natasha looked over to Elliott.

"Yeah, you wanna come?" Elliott's head tilted slightly sideways.

"I have some extra clothes, but if I'm being honest I don't look good in bikinis" Natasha said.

Elliott rolled his eyes. "You look good in anything, come on, might as well make the best of Our last day here, you can consider this kinda like a vacation"

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