Chapter 21-a helping hand

Start from the beginning

I felt something run into my led causing me
To stop, I looked down to see a grey wolf pup. He jumped back. "Sorry sir I'm sorry!" He apologized quickly.

"It's alright buddy, just watch where your going next time" I smiled trying to ease his nerves.

"Liam! Come on! Let's get to the tree before Joey does!" A tigger cub ran up to the wolf pup. "Okay! Bye Mr!" The two ran off.

"I thought there were only wolf shifters? Huh that's interesting" I mumbled as I continued down to the pod, once I got next to it I kneeled Down and threw some water on my face. I cleaned the dirt off my arms as well.

I don't know how what to think, or believe.

I finished cleaning my arms and decided to head back to the cabin. Once I entered I saw Natasha talking to ruby. "Look I need answers, what is this place now? You said it's been decades, what do y'all do here?" I asked.

Ruby smiled. "Well we are a home to all the shifters, we were able to get mostly under government protection, so the public doesn't know about us"

"I thought there were only wolf shifters? I didn't know that there was this many" I sat down next to Natasha.

"Well there are many of us, I'm a wolf shifter. But we also have people here who can shift into tigers, lions, cheetahs, Eagles, Hyenas, and some who can do it all" I nodded now understanding what this place was.

"So it's a home for all, why here? Why seclude y'all selves?" Natasha asked raising an eyebrow.

Ruby looked like she's seen many things in her time. "Ever since hydra attacked us, they gave us a bad name, so it's safer here then to be in the public eye"

Natasha nodded looking over to me. "Well Elliott here is far from not being in the public eye"

"What did you do?" Ruby asked looking at me for an answer.

"We kinda stopped an alien army in New York, but don't worry, you're home secret is safe in our hands, no one will know about y'all" I reassured her.

"So Elliott, how have you been? It's been so long" tears started to appear in Ruby's eyes.

"As good as I can be for someone in a secret organization" I chuckled. "But it's's good to know I'm not alone in the world, it's nice knowing I'm not the only shifter"

"Oh your mother and father would be so proud of you" my heart dropped, their dead, and it's because of me. My nightmares showed me the death of my parents, I just didn't know it was them.

"I hope they are"

The sun was already setting, the orange and pink mix of colors in the sky. I'm guessing ruby noticed this since she stood up from her seat. "I'll let you two get some sleep, tomorrow we can give you a tour" she patted my shoulder before leaving the cabin, her guards following her close by.

This is a lot to take in, I can't tell to be relived or worried.

"You okay?" Natasha asked, she looked over to me,
Her green eyes staring into my blue ones.

"Yeah I'm fine, this is just...a lot" I leaned back into the oddly comfortable bed made of what looked like leaves and logs.

I I noticed Natasha was on edge. "Your not gonna sleep?"

"I don't know, I just don't trust it here" yeah she's always paranoid.

I sat up next to her. "Get some sleep, I'll stay awake if that helps"

"What? No, I'm fine anyways, I don't need sleep" she argued.

"Go to sleep, before I make you" I got closer to her.

She grinned. "Yeah and how will you do that?"

I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Like this" I shifted into my wolf and pushed her onto the bed, I laid on top of her holding her Down. She tried to get out of my grasp but it wasn't going to work.

She gave up. "Your no fun Elliott"

"I know I'm not, but i like seeing you struggle" she hit me playfully on my head.

I laid my head on her chest, her heart beat loud and clear, it was very calming. "This is new" she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Is it bad?" My ear twitched as she let out a small laugh. "No, it's very comfortable" I licked her cheek causing her to slightly laugh.

"Go to sleep, I'll be here till the morning" I whispered.

"You to Elliott, you need it just as much as I do" sleep isn't always something I normally get.

"Good night" i closed my eyes letting sleep overtake me, Natasha did the same as her breathing slowed down to a steady pace.

Maybe this won't be to bad, but who knows, things can change at any time.

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