Prologue - Bakugo

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        Presenting wasn't always so easy, Bakugo didn't always have people at his feet willing to pay for his voice, for his looks. He didn't always have people so blindly excepting him with every minute in his own skin. That's why he found it so funny now that people paid him for a simple video of him talking, for a picture of his toned muscles. Hell, they could be blurry and people would still pay. That knowledge and feeling was amazing, and it gave him a rush of power, of confidence.

        Bakugo's life had always been tough, up until the time that he was around the age of 18, when he finally graduated the hellhole he called highschool, it was hard to imagine how cruel kids could be until you experience it for yourself. Bakugo learned that first hand, from middle school all the way until his senior year. He was shoved, he was beat, he was spat on, he was degraded as if he were even less than a piece of dirt. He lost count of how many days he came home with cuts and bruises.

        Once he was in the middle of his sophomore year however, things suddenly shifted... After taking so much abuse for so many years, he snapped, he still remembered exactly how it happened, he remembers the exact moment Todoroki made him break..

-Sophomore Year-

        "Hey guys look! It's the fag, bet you're gonna eat lunch by yourself in the bathroom again huh?!" He spat, he was a little taller than Bakugo at this point in his life, so he hovered over him, it was threatening. "Apparently you don't even know what bathroom you're supposed to be in!" his hand juts out, pushing at Bakugo's chest, making him flinch from the pressure as he backed up slightly. 

        "Todoroki just stop." He mumbles, his fists were clenching, and his voice had a different tone than usual, it wasn't fear.... It was anger, hatred bubbling to the surface, slowly, like when water begins to boil.

        "What did you just fucking say to me?" He's never gotten attitude back like this before, and it made him feel even angrier, even more resentment for the small boy he was bullying. Bakugo hated it, he'd always hated it, but now he wanted to do something about it, and he would. "Thought you were too much of a pussy, Sakura."

        That was it. That was fucking it.

        In a matter of mere seconds, Bakugo's fist was up, and quickly hurdling towards the others face, his teeth gritted, making contact with a loud cracking noise almost immediately. The water that had been boiling, had quickly overflowed, he was fuming, knocking the half and half bastard onto the floor, straddling his chest as blow after blow landed on his face. All his fury from all the bullies, all the harsh words, every single push and shove, every punch, was fueling him right now. He didn't even know if he could stop himself, he wasn't a violent person before this, not even in the slightest, but here he was beating on another kid the same way he, himself hated. He even threw in a few insults, one of which being about his scar, about how his father probably put it there because he was such a disappointment. He hoped Enji would be disappointed. After all, his son was losing a fight.

        Students ran out of the way quickly, most of them shocked that he had finally stood up for himself, the others cheering on Todoroki and assuming he would start fighting back and beat Bakugo's ass. But that wasn't the case, and that quickly became apparent when Todoroki's fighting hands got weaker and blood was beginning to dribble down his face, Bakugo at this point had a fat tears running down his cheeks. A few boy's pulled them apart when the nurse got there, she took Todoroki while Bakugo was sent to the principals office.

-End of Flashback-

        He didn't ever regret what he did that day, because it slightly got people off his back, however of course there were the stubborn few that would always exist. He continued to fight from that point on, always self defense of course, it was never started for no reason, so when you think about it the amount that it happened was sad. Once he graduated, his doors opened, people were constantly pushing him down, he was able to legally change his name, and by the time he was 20, he'd started taking hormones. Things were looking up, and he was quickly approaching the next step of his transition, top surgery. The only issue was the money, of course. Insurance wouldn't cover this, and it was thousands of dollars, he didn't have that kind of money.

        So when his friend suddenly told him about how much money he was making off a little website, just by uploading a few scandalous things, of course he jumped onto the bandwagon, of course he went and signed up that very night. Somehow he was a huge fan favorite, although hating to admit it, he assumed that it was because he was trans and some people like fetishize that. Regardless, his platform was growing, he already had a few hundred people! And they all sent in such great tips and simple requests! He felt oddly.... proud of himself.

        Of course, have to use something you're not confident in is difficult, it takes so much time to get used to, however, using the income to gain that confidence is a little ironic isn't it? He thought so, and although sometimes he'd be sobbing because he didn't want to post and show what was 'wrong' with him, but he needed that money... And after 3 years of raising money, of hormones, of recovering, he stood a new man. A real man. 

        He stood as Katsuki Bakugo. He stood as a fighter, as a man, as a survivor. Not as Sakura Bakugo, the girl who got beat on, the weakling.

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