Day Out

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"Wanna go out with us, Alec?" Clary asked.

"I'm okay, I'll stay in."

"You need the sun, you look paler than Simon." Izzy said, tugging open his curtains to let the sunlight in.

"I'm fine." Alec hadn't been out in weeks, just moped in his room, scratched at his arms and ate junk food; demon raids didn't count as out, but even so he had only been to maybe five or six.

"We don't care whether you're fine or not, you're coming with us."

"Me on a girl's day out? No thanks."

"Simon and Jace are coming, you can be boring with them."

Alec sighed, he knew already he wasn't going to win this fight. If he was ever going to get over Magnus, he would have to go out eventually, maybe today would be an eye opener. Heh.. Optimism. He thought to himself.

In a matter of moments, the girls realised Alec wasn't rejecting the offer anymore and grabbed him before he could change his mind. They half dragged him to the front door, shoved a pair of shoes and jacket in his face, waiting for him to put it on before then dragging him out the institute. "I can walk! I've got this far there's no point really in going back now is there?"

"Good! Then you won't mind us clinging to you even tightly once the boys get round the corner in a few minutes." Their grip round his arms tightened and Alec could do nothing but wonder why.


"Come ooooooooooooooooon." Jace whined, really beginning to get on Magnus' nerves now.


"You don't even have to see us again voluntarily after, ever. Not if you don't want to." Simon piped, leaning against the front door, bored.

"What about involuntarily?"

"We can't help that," Jace grabbed his hand again and this time, Magnus got up. They would only return if he didn't go, and hey, he would never have to have them bother him again.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"Just follow." Magnus sighed, slipping on a pair of black shoes, snapping his fingers to give his face a 'make do' makeover and shrugging on a jacket.

Simon behind, Jace in front, Izzy texted their location, their mission had begun.


"You can't loosen your grip at least a tiny bit?" They both shook their heads. "How much longer?"

"Just wait you incompetent potato." That made him quiet.

As soon as the three men came round the corner, both Alec and Magnus was stock still for a moment. As soon as Alec started struggling, Magnus quickly turned away, muttering a quiet "fuck this", but Jace grabbed his arm which he quickly brought back when he cried aloud in shock at it being burnt.

Alec's sudden rage returned, ripping through the girls' grip and sprinting towards Magnus who simply raised an eyebrow and lifted him up off his feet with a spell and pinned him against the nearest wall. "Alec! Stop it!" Jace shouted, trying to get back through to him. "It's fine!"

"Alec this isn't like you!" Izzy joined it.

"What's wrong with him?" Magnus asked, clearly puzzled.

"This is his anger outburts, third one now. He gets into a blinding rage and there's no way for us to calm him down without using Clary's rune."

"Ah, I can see how this side of him can be troublesome for you." He raised his other hand, probably another spell and that seemed to calm Alec down.

"Put me the fuck down you stupid warlock!" Alec yelled.

Magnus' eyes widened and he immediately let go, Alec tumbling to the ground but still somehow landing gracefully. "Don't you ever hurt my parabatai, understand? He pissed you off? Maybe, but that's not an excuse to burn him."

"Alec I'm-"

"Shut up!"

"I don't think the spell worked Magnus.." Clary murmured, now stood with Jace.

"I can do whatever I like, I don't need you bossing me around, controlling my life and how long it lasts." Alec visibly twitched, "now, I'm going home. But I don't want to see any of you again unless I absolutely have to. Don't come running if anyone's life is on the line, because I don't. Care. Got that?" Nobody spoke. "Good." He nodded and departed.

They all waited until he was completely gone before Izzy tried to speak but Alec interrupted, "why the fuck did you do that!? You've just made matters worse! I am never going out with any of you again, understand?" Again, nobody spoke but they all realised how much of Magnus had rubbed off on Alec and still hadn't departed. Now Alec nodded, and left, hands shoved into his pockets, stomping off.

"Izzy, I don't think this is going to end well." Clary said, clearly worried for the both of them. "We can't keep trying, the only way we even have a chance of getting them back is locking them in a room together but neither want to see our faces ever again, let alone go out and be shut in a room without suspicion."

"You saying there's no options left..? I just want him to be happy."

"Honestly? I think the only way Magnus might ever see Alec again, is if he was on his deathbed or death's doorstep." They all frowned at her, "dead or dying. But if we fake it, then he won't believe us the second time round."

"You sound like you're trying to suggest my brother dying is a good thing." Clary shrugged. "Bitch. Either way, we'll... figure out something. Right?" She gave Simon a look and he came over, looping his arms round her waist and gently kissing her forehead.

"Right." He said, making her smile a little.

"Then lets go shoppiiiing!" Clary laughed and the boys both groaned.

The girls ran off into one of the shops and the boys just stood there, confused with the sudden mood change. "Girls."


Jesus is it hard keeping this chapters up to size. Time to make some plot changes -.-

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, make sure to comment what you thought! And a vote is always appreciated :)

See ya ~Fiz

Sick to the Core (Malec/Mortal Instruments fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon