Chapter 13 ✔️

Start from the beginning

Zac is a good looking guy. He must have girls falling in his direction. He keeps up a good straight-boy act. Heck I didn't even know he was gay until he confessed to it.

" So only I know? "

He nods.

" My parents will disown me if I come out. They are highly catholic and don't believe in being gay and lesbian. They see it as a sin. My brother, well it's just hard you know. He's my best friend and I don't know how to tell him. I can't just drop it in a text for him even though I really want to. It's complicated. " he explains.

I nod in agreement.

" Thank you for trusting me and if you ever feel like things are getting too complicated for you, I'm always here to listen. We could go away for the weekend to a resort or something. I'll be like your wing woman and set you up with a few cute guys. " I wink.

Zac chuckles as he passes me the wine bottle again. I take one last big gulp and put the now empty bottle down.

" Time for shots! " I yell and hop onto my feet.

I hear Zac complaining but in a matter of seconds he has his first shot down his throat. That made him stop complaining. The shots continue on coming as we dance the night away.

" Ally! I-I learned a few moves in s-self defense classes last week. Want me to show youuu?" Zac asks. Well tries to ask but we are so full of giggles that I barley understand what he's saying.

Zac lunges forward and kicks my legs out from underneath me. It hurt like a bitch. I waited for the impact of my head hitting the floor but Zac got it trapped in a head lock. How the hell did he do that? Drunk self defense show and tell isn't exactly easy to keep up with.

Zac starts ruffling my hair before he loosens his grip around my neck for me to stand up straight. I pull off my hoodie from the sudden adrenaline and lunge forward to tackle Zac. He's a step ahead of my as he throws me over his shoulder and then throws me back onto my bed. Not wasting a second I get up and jump onto his back and try to choke him.

Remind me how we ended up like this again?

" We need more shots." Zac laughs as he manages to pull me off from him.

I nod in agreement.


Why is my face so sticky?

What smells so bad?

Who the hell keeps banging furniture into the wall? Assholes.

No wait that's a knock.

Someone's knocking?

" Ally open up." I hear a musculan voice call out while knocking on the door again.

My eyes fly open as I realize that I'm not dreaming anymore. I peal off the candy wrapper that was stuck on my face. When did we get candy? I look over at Zac and see that he is passed out on my bed and I'm in Emily's bed. Zac is shirtless with only his boxers on. His hair is all over the place as he is still fast asleep.

We really shouldn't have finished that second bottle of wine and then the vodka.

" Ally I'm counting to 3 before I kick down this door." the voice warns.

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