6 Months Ago

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Six months ago, an incident happened. Slade was locked up and cured of mirakuru. After the mirakuru was out of his system, he felt guilty for the pain he caused.

Oliver and his team hasn't face any new big threat, just some criminals. Oliver gave up his position of CEO of Queens Consolidated. He thought he wasn't fit for that job.

"Earth to Green Arrow?!" Thea said as she snaps her fingers in front of his face.

"I'm here speedy." He said softly as he looked around.

"What's on your mind?" She asked. She knew something was up but she didn't know what.

"Nothing.. It's just been too quiet." He signed as he got off his motorcycle and headed inside.

"Well that's a good thing right? I mean maybe the city is clear of any big bad threats for good." She followed him.

"I don't like it." He said irritated as he walked in a room.

"That's because you have no life." Thea said as she rolled her eyes.

"Shh." He said as he hid behind the wall. Thea did the same thing.

"Damien Darhk wants this city under his commands. He wants this city to stand by him!" Prometheus shouted as he paced back and forth.

Thea and Oliver looked at each other then slightly looked at Prometheus and the people who called themselves ghost. 

They were heading out before Prometheus spotted them. He grew a smirked under his mask even though Oliver and Thea couldn't see it.

"Come on. Don't be shy." Prometheus yelled as he shot an explosive arrow towards Thea and Oliver which they quickly jumped out of the way.

"Who the hell is this dude?!" Thea whined as she stood on her feet.

"I never seen him in my entire life." Oliver quickly got up as he loaded his bow before pointing it at Prometheus. "But he ends today." He whispered slightly letting go of the bow string.

Prometheus was quick to stop the arrow. "You can't get rid of me that easy." He shouted as he broke the arrow in half before jumping on some metal boxes making his way to Oliver.

"Wanna make a bet?" Oliver growled holding onto his bow tight.

"Yeah I do." Prometheus smirked as he tighten his grip on his bow and using it to punch Oliver.

Oliver stumbled back but immediately gain control and kicked Prometheus off the balcony before jumping down and landing on a metal box.

Prometheus groaned but quickly gotten his balance only for Oliver hit him in his gut with his bow. Oliver kept hitting him before deciding to grab an arrow to end him.

Prometheus quickly kicked him in the knee causing Oliver to fall on one of his knees. Prometheus got up as he walked closer to Oliver before kneeing him in the face.

"You thought you could win!" He said as Oliver fell back. "You are wrong Green Arrow." He grabbed him by his suit pulling him up slightly.

"You will suffer.. I promise you." He said harshly before punching him repeatedly.

"Hey!" Thea shouted walking up to him slowly while her bow was raised.

"If your brother couldn't shoot me. What makes you think you can?" He smirked as he looked over at Thea who had a shock expression.

"Maybe she can't but you never met me." A voice said who was standing in front of Prometheus and Oliver before letting go of his bow string.

Malcolm caught Prometheus off guard. His arrow had wounded him in the shoulder. He quickly ran off and jumped out a window but using his bow and an arrow with an rope attach to it and hitting a building to have a safe landing.

Thea and Malcolm went back to the bunker with Thea bickering to Malcolm about everything wrong thing he did.

"Would you guys please take your bickering somewhere else! You're giving me a headache." Oliver finally snapped as he took his hood and mask off.

"No thank you. I'm just done bickering with him." Thea said annoyed. "He's just leaving."

"Good." Oliver said as he sat.

"Hey, what did I miss?" A girl came in as she bumped into Malcolm. She looked at him and scoffed.

"Hello to you too." He smirked as he walked out of the bunker.

"Why the hell-" She quickly noticed Oliver's beaten up face before running over to him. "Oh my god, what happened?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." Oliver said softly showing a soft smile.

"But your face-" She whined before getting interrupt.

"My face will heal, Laurel" He smiled as he got up.

Oliver had just witnessed Slade stabbing a woman he loved and cared for. He got her stabbed. He did this to her. He made Slade go after her because he loved and cared for her, he thought.

He wished he could be in the position she was in right now. He wished he was the one bleeding out on that ground instead. He would immediately trade places with her without a second thought.

Everything around him was in slow motion. He couldn't hear a single thing. Not even her painful groans. He was hoping he would just wake up and none of this would be true but the moment he came into realization... She was still bleeding, slowly dying.

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