Track 3 & 4

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"I dont care what people say about you. About us, actually. What i care about is you. Because i love you, and youre all that matters to me."

IY was that time when we had practices for our class play, me and you being at the props team, staying late in school to finish painting the backdrop, and all the other silly things needed for a play.

We were on a break then, and we were goofing around as always. I was finishing off my ice cream and you were dancing around, until I completely licked my fingers clean.

My friend took the two crowns-one for the king, that was set atop your head, while the other one that was smaller-for the queen, was put on top of mine.

Everyone started joking around and teasing that you were my king, and that we should dance.

Slow dance, to be exact.

Something were both terrible at.

The intro of this song started playing, and I saw the recognition clear in your eyes. I knew this song too. Because for the past few months, I've heard you whisper-singing it to me in the room and I've heard you sing it to me through the phone. Somehow, we managed to make this song ours.

Although I might never admit it, your voice is actually really amazing, and its definitely something I could completely get lost in.

You held your hand out for me to take, and how could I refuse? So I put mine over yours- and we leaned in close, our breaths mingling as your hands were on my waist and my arms around your neck. Your gaze was too intense that it was all I could look at.

And somehow, sometime this song was playing, you managed to whisper these words, and i felt my heart squeeze in my chest. There were so many people around watching us, but I couldn't care less.

Everything was a blur and I swear- it was just the two of us.

I sometimes wish I could rewind back into this moment, where time stood still and there was no one but you and I. That I could still hear the sound of your voice- I knew you never song to anyone else because you were too shy and I can still feel your breath against mine, and I could still stare into those dark brown eyes that I loved so much- that showed so much passion, and the best part was, it was for me.

* * *

I remember when you asked me out to prom, how much my heart clenched when you did that small gesture.

You knew that I was planning not to go, though, but you screwed that plan.

You went to my house, and you fucking went straight up to the doorbell and asked to see my mom.

Could you believe that?

You asked her if you could take her daughter to the dance. You asked her if you could pick me up and bring me home, and if you could sit beside me and dance with me.

She said yes.

Of course I said yes, too, because well, my heart was yours. How couldn't I say yes?

I promised you I would go to prom with you, and only becauae i was with you.

Funny how we made so many promises and you barley kept any of them, while im right here still keeping true to them.

Remember when I promised you I'd be yours forever?

I'm still yours. And I'm so scared that I always will be.

And god, I wish you were back here. I wish the doorbell would ring with you waiting outside my doorstep, because that's all I fucking want. I want to see you there begging for another chance.

I know I would forgive you. I always do. Just like the way I did when you broke my heart.

* * *

You know what? I still went to the dance. Alone. And as this song played, as our song played, I watched you dance. With her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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