"Tang Tang, I recommend Tang Tang, what do you think?" Chang Ding asked after he finished.

Tang Tang was shocked. She did not expect that Chang Ding really intended to recommend her. She was a little nervous and waved her hand.

"Recommend me? I can't. I haven't been a captain. I won't do anything!"

God! Is this to get her on the path of her teammates?

No, absolutely not!

Why Tang Tang refused, but after Chang Ding's words, he got a lot of echoes.

Chang Sheng and the girl raised their hands first, "I also recommend Tang Tang."

Following Zou Yu, Chen Lang and they also raised their hands in agreement.

Tang Tang's ability is really nothing to say, the effect of the black ball is really powerful, and it also has its own defensive function. Not only that, in the previous few escapes, she has shown quite calm, and finally turned the tide. This time, she also ran behind the enemy and wiped out the forty people in a net, and finally let them suffer the least damage.

They originally made Tang Tang a captain candidate in their hearts, and now Chang Ding has offered to propose it, and of course they will not object.

For a time, everyone agreed with their hands.

Tang Tang was anxious and suddenly turned to see them, and he was about to speak, but Chang Sheng opened his mouth first, and he stopped what she was about to say.

"No one will do it from the beginning, Tang Tang, you have to believe in yourself."

"But I ..."

How can she lead the team? !

Tang Tang still thinks he can't.

"You did, you have to cover us. Have you forgotten? But there are three earth powers in our team. Such a flamboyant existence. If you are stared after coming out of the stone wall, we all need you. Black ball protection! "

Chang Sheng moved out of the rhetoric of the earth abilities, bitter-mouthed.

He and his brother made this decision for a long time. They are not fancy with Tang Tang's power, of course, power is also one of the reasons. The most important thing is that Tang Tang protects them unconsciously every time.

Just like when she was attacked by the forty people before, she obviously had only two legs, but because the white ball can only cover her, so in order to let her teammates hurt as little as possible, she ran around the outer circle of 15 of them alone .

He saw this scene at the time, and he couldn't tell the feeling in his heart.

There was also the previous escape in the forest, when the speed-type power attacked Hugh, she also subconsciously ran and used her white ball to resist.

And before, when dealing with the six scammers ...

He thought that such a person, as a captain, should be their honor?

Everyone persuaded Tang Tang together, and finally Tang Tang was even more embarrassed.

She agreed.

But she hurriedly stated: "First say yes, let me give it a break. If I don't do well, quickly withdraw me!"

When everyone heard her promise, the others were easy to say, and then followed her, and then nodded, "Go and go, I will say it later."

... I always feel like these people are perfunctory about me.

After the captain is selected, it is necessary to consider the matter of this cooperation.

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