A Bitch Wife

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Worcester, Mass, US
194 Prescott Street

      Winter 1993

Bellhop- Let me tell you something.


Bellhop- Dino comes home from a hard-working day and meets his wife on the porch

Hoffman- You mean on Prescott Street? I used to see them there; they lived in a wooden building with a small door outside that goes to the basement; they were my neighbors.

Bellhop- This is it! he noticed that she was in a bad mood, so he asked her. "  what's wrong? ",  " Nothing," she replied
Hoffman- Nothing! ( laughs ), it means something

Bellhop- Yeah, he had some water, and a few minutes later, he sat by her side on the porch stairs, tousled her blond hair, and asked again: what's wrong with you? I don't like seeing you sad; where's your sweet smile? What's the matter?  Don't you know I love you?

Hoffman- Only fools fall in love, and those kinds of guys are always scared to be heartbroken; he might be one of them

Bellhop- She replied: " I've made a mistake in marrying you; I just want to live alone; I don't love you anymore."

Hoffman- Damn! They lived together for ten years, and they had an eight-year-old son; only now she realizes that?

Bellhop- At first, he didn't care what she said; he thought, she must be stressed, you know what I mean, Aunt Flow!

Hoffman - I see; what about their old dream to bring up their little boy in the US as a blessed family?

Bellhop- She kept saying, she wanted to live alone, with no husband and no marriage rules.

Hoffman- Holy shit! there's something hidden.

Bellhop- She told him to leave the house as soon as possible; she didn't want any intimacy with him anymore.

Hoffman- Shit ! she asked him to move out? Why?

Bellhop- No answer; he hoped that a few days later, she would be in a better mood

Hoffman- Where would he go? It's not easy to find a place in Worcester.

Bellhop- She didn't care; he had to leave the house.

Hoffman- Damn!

Bellhop- So,  he left the house and then whispered to himself, " She needs time alone."

Hoffman- I wouldn't leave the house; what about their son? He will miss his father; where did he go?

Bellhop- He took a bus to Boston, and he went to the unification church, I mean, Rev. Sun Myung Moon's church where he used to be a Moonie in 1980.

Hoffman- Stupid! As always, a religious stupid Idiot.

Bellhop- So, he spent a week there, waking up at five in the morning to be in the prayer room; he prayed for God to change his wife's mind.

Hoffman- He called his wife from the church, didn't he?  I suppose, Did he?

Bellhop- Yeah,  after five days of praying, he called her, but he didn't tell  them that he was in a safe place; I mean, he didn't tell them he was in the Unification Church

Hoffman- So, what did he say?

Bellhop-- He told her he was wandering on the streets of Boston, begging for food and sleeping on the Bus station bench.

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