High school AU-2

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Cardan was still scowling at me weirdly. We both glared at each other, trying to stare each other down, while Mr. Noggle tittered on and on about this project and its relevance to our final grades. 

"Now change your seats, we are going to use this class to start on this project, hurry," he said impatiently.

The shuffling of chairs and desks filled the class, as several students swapped seats to work with their partners. I did not budge, neither did Cardan. Mr. Noggle looked at me questioningly. I sighed heavily and got up to join Cardan at the back of the classroom. Satisfied, Mr. Noggle went back to stare at his laptop.

I was surprised Cardan didn't order Mr. Noggle to change his partner. He basically owned the school, so he used his whip on the teachers to his convenience almost always. He once ordered the teacher to change the topic we were studying, just because he found it boring. 

I glanced at him sideways and caught him already staring at me. He had a soft frown etched upon his sharp features, like he was contemplating the fate of a worm stuck to his shoe. 

We had to start doing something, I really didn't want an F for this project. I knew I would have to do the entire paper and presentation by myself but Mr. Noggle had threatened us with grade deduction if he didn't see equal contribution, so I have to give it a shot.

I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Are you going to say something or just stare at me, being your worthless self?"

Shit. That didn't exactly come out friendly.

"You really hate me, don't you?" he asks 

"Almost as much as you do."

He chuckled humorlessly, moving uncomfortably close to my face. I stared into his pitch black eyes, they seemed to suck all my attention like two tiny blackholes, intent on ruination and destruction. 

He smirked and pulled back to cross his legs over the bench. I gawked at his outrageous manner of sitting and tried to  ignore him. He was totally messing with me.

"I have already decided the topic, you can contribute if you want to, not that I care," I said eager to get this over with. He nodded absentmindedly, gazing at my grazed palms and knees from earlier at the cafeteria. I raised my eyebrow when he softly traced his finger over by scraped knee, with a small pout on his face. I slapped his hand way and he looked up at me bewildered, like he had no conscious control of his actions. I turned my attention to the piece of scribbled paper in front of me, not wanting to look at the odd softness in his eyes. It was unsettling. 

The bell rang, I quickly collected my stuff to leave quickly, when a a piece of paper landed in front of me. I looked for its source and my eyes settled on the quickly departing figure of Cardan. I opened the the slip, it was the same chit Mr. Noggle had given Cardan with my name. Turning the note in my hands, I saw a message written in a spiky scrawl.

Historic Coups- It's a better topic than anything you can think of. Don't be a pain and ruin my grade by submitting your lame paper.                                                                                                

   ~ your unfortunate partner C

The little...

I didn't want to admit that his idea was better than mine and that the note was odd. I didn't know he actually cared about his grade. Goddd, this was going to be even more harder than I thought!

I rumpled the note in my fist and stuffed it in my bag, steel reeling from his unpleasant note. He somehow made me the dumbass trying to sabotage his grade. This was so frustrating. He was frustrating. My life was frustrating. 

I exited the class, slamming the door behind me and looked for that ungrateful fool. I was walking fast, intent on catching up with Cardan before he joins his circle of brats, when suddenly I slammed into someone. 


My assignments flew into the air, slowly spiralling down to settle in front of me. My books were scattered around my feet and my pencil rolled to the wall of the hallway. My butt was hurting. This was the second time I was falling today, both my rear and front were complaining from the falls. 

I grumbled, "Great, just great."

I looked up to see a guy with a sharp, pointy chin, fox like eyes and auburn hair staring back at me-Locke. He squatted down next to me and helped me hunt for my scattered belongings. He piled up my books and handed them to me with a small, apologetic smile. 

"I didn't need your help, but thanks," I mumbled. This was awkward. Why was he helping me? I thought his crew and him loathed my sister and me. Even though it was my fault for banging into him, the popular dreamboy was helping me. What is happening?

"I know," he said, winking at me. And just like that he walked off. I stared at his retreating back. Was he high or something? maybe...

TFOTA FANFIC --CARDAN + JUDE --*ONE-SHOTS*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin