Chapter 1

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At a fancy casino somewhere in Northern Italy, two men were doing a last minute check on a priceless jewel. 

"Are you sure it's safe, Mr. Duncan?" The owner of the gem, Trentino asked the head of the casino, Duncan.

"Safe?" Duncan chuckled with a light scoff in his Italian accent. 

"Your Excellency, having your Viennese MacGuffin on display at our humble casino is an honor we take very seriously" He explained. "There are locks on each of the windows, guards on all of the doors. And should someone get past those, we have this..."

Duncan then revealed a hidden lock combination calculator and typed in the code. "E, zero, one, one"

And with that, lasers appeared all around the gem's case. 

"Voila! So you see, Your Excellency, your priceless bird is as secure in this room as if it were in your own castle" Duncan assured. 

The men then decided to leave the room. But unknowingly to them there had been someone watching them from inside the air vents, as two very familiar St. Bernards crawled out and into the room. One was the famous Beethoven. The other was his son Tchaikovsky, now a young adult. 

The two dog scanned the room before spotting the MacGuffin inside the case. 

"Target in sight" Tchaikovsky whispered, his eyes narrowed.

Meanwhile, Duncan was showing Mr. Trentino around the casino offering him a spot at the tables before going off to continue his duties. But as Duncan walked out of the room, he came back after spotting something unusual sticking out from one of the vents. It looked like a clump of hair. Dog hair to be precise. 

Duncan took the clump and sniffed it and licked it a few times before gasping. "Oh, no!"

Back in the chamber room, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky sucessfully crawled passed all the lasers before coming up to the lock calculator. 

"Okay, here we go" Tchaik took in a deep breath before typing in the code. Soon the lasers were disabled. 

"Nice work" Beethoven smiled proudly towards his son then went to grab the gem. 


"Security! Security! We have an intruder. I repeat, we have an intruder!" Duncan called over his walkie while running down the hallway. 

Duncan came up to the room and opened the door, only to find the case empty. Then he heard a bark and saw Beethoven and Tchaikovsky with the MacGuffin hanging from Beethoven's neck. 

"Love to stay and chat, but we gotta bounce" Tchaik smirked at Duncan even though the man didn't speak canine. 

The father and son charged at Duncan, knocking him over as they made a break for it. 

"Let's blow this popsicle stand!" Beethoven told his son. 

The two St. Bernards ran throughout the casino while a spoof of the song "Secret agent man" played in the background. 

"Security, I've got a visual on the intruders!" Duncan chased after the dogs. "They're big, four legged, furry. And they've got the MacGuffin!" 

More guards showed up to try and catch the dogs. Trentino heard the commotion and soon saw Beethoven and Tchaikovsky running towards him. 

"That's my MacGuffin!" He glared at the dogs, holding his ground. 

But the father and son barreled on through, knocking Trentino all the way down the stairs. 

"They're heading for the window!" Duncan called as he and the guards kept running. 

But when they got out to the balcony they were met with a surprise outcome... Beethoven was rufusing to jump off the balcony. Tchaikovsky who had jumped landed safely on a safety mat and was met by his owner, Kali Harpercop. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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