Chapter 23

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*Alex's POV*

Baby, please don't shift. I know that it's hard in there but please I promise I'll get you out of there. I mind link her.

I'm sorry. Is all she says before I hear growling from the inside of the weird bubble force.


I take this opportunity to shoot Harber, he falls to the ground with a loud yell. He's disappearing into thin air. I've never seen this before. I turn away to shoot Jane but I'm too late. She's shot, Skyler.

The three gunshots and her screams were more than enough to have me running to her side. She's bleeding from her back and legs.

I go to shoot Jane but when I look she's gone.

"Medics! Medics! We need medics!" I yell at everyone.

Nancy! It's Skyler please! Nancy! I mind link her.

I'm on my way. Is all she says.

"No!" I yell.

"Oh, baby no no no.," I whisper to her. I hold her in my arms as tightly as I can. I rip my shirt into pieces trying to contain her from bleeding out.

"I love you, Alex." Are the last words I hear from her before she begins to close her eyes.

"No no! Skyler! You listen to me, you better stay awake right now! Skyler! Please, Skyler!"

"Skyler I need you!" I yell at her, but it's too late. Her breathing has become shallow and her eyes are completely closed now. I'm losing the love of my life, right in my arms.


It's been two weeks. Two weeks since she's been in this comma. I haven't moved at all, not to shower, eat, sleep. Nothing. I've been glued to her side ever since. The day after her surgery I was told the worst news.

*Two weeks prior*

"Alexander.," Nancy says bringing out Skyler connected to different tubes on a table. She leads me to a private room and connects Skyler to a breathing tube. I follow her quickly.

"Is she okay? The baby? What's wrong?!" I practically yell at her for answers.

"Alexander..s-she has lost the baby. The shift was too much for her body for her to be able to protect both her and the baby. She was already dying when you brought her in. The baby had barely any life left for it. I'm so sorry." She says.

My mouth opened and closed. I didn't know what to say. In one way, I was happy that Skyler was alive yet depressed that we lost our baby.

"I'll leave you for now." She says walking out of the room. I grab Skyler's hand and cry into her arm.

"I'm so sorry so sorry.." I mumble into her arm with the heart monitors beeping as my response from her.

*Present time*

"Alex man, you can't just sit here it's been two weeks. Go shower, eat something man!" Jake yells at me. I decide not to respond like I have been doing for the past few weeks. He moves the sandwich he bought me over to my chair. I don't reach for it even though I'm starving. I just look at Skyler and her heart monitor.

"Alex, please. She wouldn't want you like this man." He says again. Which somehow causes her heart monitor to begin to beep a bit faster. Taking this as a sign I bite a bit into the sandwich.

Oh god, it's delicious.

"Thank you," I whisper to him.

"Anytime man." He says. He then explains to me how he has to go back to take care of some pack business. I nod at him and he leaves saying goodbye to Skyler. Once I finish my sandwich I go back to holding Skyler's hand.

"Sky, can you wake up for me please?" I say for the 100th time today. I get nothing in response and I can't help but lose hope now.

That is until I feel a movement in my hand.

I look to her to see her heart monitor going up and more movement coming from her hand.

Nancy! Nancy! She's waking up! I mind link.

A gasp from my side brings me back to Skyler. She's awake.

"Skyler!" I yell. Causing a small smile to form on her face.

"W-water.." She says quietly. I rush to get her a cup full of water and quickly hand it to her.

"Oh, love you don't know how much I've missed you," I say.

"I-I know.." She says looking down.

She knows.

"Baby it wasn't your fault you know that right?" I tell her. She doesn't respond just continues looking at her water. Scaring us both, Nancy enters.

"Oh thank the goddess." She says.

"Okay Skyler, let's get your test results in and see how you're doing yea?" She says with pity in her eyes knowing the change of mood she's in is because she knows that we lost our baby.

Skyler simply nods and lets Nancy run tests on her.

"You're doing good hun, you can leave by tonight if you're still looking better okay?" Nancy says. Which causes Sky to nod and say thank you.

"I'll be on my way then." She says. Which we both respond with an okay.

"You don't know how much I've missed you Sky," I say going to her to hug her. She returns the hug and I play something on the tv for us to watch. I can tell she's upset, and it hurts me that I can't even help her.



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