
The ride to Hogwarts was a fun one. Her friends weren't looking for her since they thought she was going to go with Snape. So here she was, hiding out in a cabin with a bunch of scared first years. One of the girls, and the only calm one, looked familiar.

"How's your potions and dog father?" Hari stared at her from above her book. Ah. This must be Xenophilius Lovegood's daughter. The girl gave off an aura of distinct dottiness. Perhaps it was the fact that she had stuck her wand behind her left ear for safekeeping, or that she had chosen to wear a necklace of Butterbeer caps, or that she was reading a magazine upside down. Hari had heard she was a Seer.

"Very good actually. How is Mr. Lovegood?" the blonde girl shrugged.

"He's as good as he is, I suppose." The students looked back at Hari.

"I suppose one can only be as good as they are." Luna nodded with a smile and turned back to her magazine. Hari turned to look at the other first years. There were only seven first year students, and only four with her.

"What are your names? I need to know so I can look after you." One girl with light brown hair turned her nose up.

"Why would we need help from a Slytherin?" Hari chuckled and shrugged.

"Nobody likes the first years. The older students force you to do their work, and if they don't get a good grade they hex you. I was planning on telling them to lay off, but since you don't want my help..." The other students paled and began shaking their heads. The other one still had her nose turned up.

"I'm Colin Creevy." Said a small boy. Hari shook his hand, leaving a small kiss on his knuckles. The boy went bright red, much to Hari's amusement.

"I'm Xia Eversest." Said a tan girl. She was reading a book in the corner. Hari shook her hand too, and offered her a small smile.

"I'm Anna Blackwood. Who are you? You don't look important? I want your full title. I bet you don't have one." Hari gave her a smile, eyes hiding her annoyance. Brat.

"Hari Potter Black Peverell Malfoy Prince. Heir to House Prince. Lady to Houses Potter, Black, and Peverell. Nice to meet you." Hari bowed her head, not in respect, but to hide her smirk. Blackwood had paled considerably.

"Are you not Lady or hair to Malfoy?" Eversest asked. Hari shook her head.

"Heir. No, I was staying with the family, so I took up the last name. Draco Malfoy is the Heir. He's a bit of a prat, but he's nice enough." They nodded and began asking her a multitude of questions. Ranging from simple ones like 'What are the teachers like?' to more exotic ones similar to 'How would one sneak out of Hogwarts?' Hari had enjoyed answering them.

Soon Hari was seated in the Great Hall. The firsties began walking in, all with fearful glances. Draco nudged her shoulder and she glanced at him.

"That's Greengrass. After they pulled Daphne I didn't think they would put Astoria here. Father says she was made the new Heir." He pointed to a girl with blonde hair standing next to Luna.

"Blackwood Anna!" Zabini leaned over and whispered to Hari.

"Her family is Pureblood. Full of Ravenclaws. American origins." Hari nodded her thanks, shocked when the hat yelled out Slytherin. She chuckled and got Tracey's, Millie's, Draco's, Pansy's, Zabini's, and Nott's attention.

"Blackwood is incredibly prejudiced against Slytherins. I told her that I wouldn't look out for her, so I want you guys to give her a hard time. Curse her in the common room or something. Show a united front against everyone else though." They nodded and turned back to the feast. There were very few students this year. Seven in total. Guess they are combining classes.

Colin Creevy was next, and he went to Gryffindor. Good. He wouldn't survive Slytheirn or Ravenclaw. Both were strictly Pure or Half bloods. There were always a few Muggleborns, or even Muggle Raised like Hari herself, but they had a hard time fitting in. Xia Eversest went into Hufflepuff. The girl seemed overwhelmed with all the compassion. Astoria went to Slytherin, Luna to Ravenclaw. The first muggle born student in Slytherin since, well, a long time, was Harper Mali, who seemed out of place. Poor thing. Ginerva 'Ginny' Weasley was next, and she was welcomed into the Hufflepuff community.

The feast was grand, even though she had experienced it before. She almost laughed at Mali's facewhen the food popped onto the table. Hari quickly drank her potion and passed another to Padfoot who came trotting up to her.

"Dads Fiance is coming to the school tomorrow if you want to meet him. He's pretty cool. He dyed his hair and changed his name when he moved back to Europe though. He wont tell me his real name."

"What's his name?" Pansy asked.

"Rigel Marion Shadrach." Hari replied. "I think he's sitting in on the potion lessons. It's weird though, he sucks at Potions." A bark was heard from underneath the table and Hari laughed. "Did you not get enough lovings Padfoot?" She asked as she rubbed his head. He gave a happy bark before going back to torment the first years.

Dumbledore stood up around twenty minutes later. "Attention everyone! We have a new professor joining us this year! May I present your Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Gildorey Lockhart!" Applause from almost all the girls, even those in Slytherin, rang out. Most of the boys were sulking. This was going to be an aggravating year for everyone though.


Everything was going well, until the eighth of september. Her diary was missing. She didn't know who it was, as she had warded it off against anyone who didn't have Slytherin blood. So that means... There was another heir in the castle. That just wouldn't do. It was her title and she wouldn't let some plebeian person take it from her. She owned that title.

Walking back to the common room, she saw Rigel sitting there, a bunch of girls staring and giggling. Hari ran up and hugged the man, excited for her potions class. He was going to be bothering Severus all day.

"Hey Dad!" Hari said as he rubbed her hair. Most of the older students were staring at her wide eyed. How were they related? Soon Severus walked in and gave Rigel and Hari a kiss on their foreheads. Ah. Hari got her black hair from Professor Snape, and her facial features from the other man.

"Why do you have red in your hair if both of your dad has brown and black hair?" An older year asked.

"Dad used to have red in his hair when he was younger, so mine will probably fade to black soon." The older years seemed to accept this, going back to their work.

"You ready Dungeon Bat?" Rigel joked. Severus gave a dignified snort and led them from the common room.

"Those girls were practically drooling over you." Hari asked. She stopped and raised her hands up, making Rigel pick her up. He grunted slightly, but picked her up. Severus was having a hard time holding in his laughter.

"How is this funny?" She asked, a slight pout on her lips. Severus snorted loudly and shook his head.

"You're twelve and you still like being picked up?" Hari nodded and hugged the back on Rigels neck. She was never babied before, so she wouldn't start now, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy some aspects of it. A loud pop was heard, and both Rigel and Hari turned to face Severus, who was holding a moving picture of the two. Hari stuck out her tongue and let Rigel carry her into the great hall, much to the amusement of, well, everyone. Everyone in Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and any smart person in Gryffindor knew she was ruthless, so to see her dad carrying her was a funny sight.

Rigel sat her down at the Slytherin table and sat down next to her. Severus took the seat in front of Rigel and they began eating. Severus slid both of them their potions. Hari and Rigel both grimaced, but drank them nonetheless. They both quickly grabbed their goblets, one filled with apple juice, the other with cranberry, and drank them quickly. Severus laughed at their antics, which made the other students pale. He laughed! Severus leaned over and gave Rigel a quick kiss before kissing Hari's head, then he left to get ready for the class.

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