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Ciel took me back to trancy manor. Once there he opened the double doors for me. I felt a little sick I ran to the bathroom and ended up throwing up. Am I pregnant with alois' child? Quite possibly. I cleaned the bathroom and went back down to the main Hall. Everyone looked at me.

"Are you ok (y/n)? " Alois asked
"I might be pregnant with your child alois" I said
"Really I've always wanted to be a father" Alois said

I smiled. Ciel looked at the floor. He was jealous he wanted it to be his child. I was happy to have this child. I was ready to be a mother. I just wanted Ciel to understand that it meant I'd be choosing alois.

"Go ahead and be happy with him" Ciel said

Ciel walked out of the manor crying. I was sad to see him go. I do love him but at the same time he let Lizzy slap me without stopping her.

~9 months later~
I gave birth to a baby girl. I named her kurenai meaning deep red. Alois was a happy father and I was glad to have her. We would be so happy together.

"I'm so happy" Alois said
"As am I dear" I said

Kurenai was a beautiful girl. I loved her with all that I am and alois was a great father. He didn't treat her poorly at all he truly loved her and was so happy. Kurenai cooed. She was so adorable. I if course had to rest in bed for a while but at least alois was here for me. I smiled and fell asleep holding alois and kurenai close to me.

Falling for you(alois x Ciel X reader contains smut)Where stories live. Discover now