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"One day, you will be an amazing hero!"

These motivating words were repeated by your family almost every day, which made your dream even bigger. A dream to become a great hero!

Your name is Y/n L/n. Your quirk is 'teleportation' it allows you to teleport you. The further you want to teleport the more energy you consume, which for actual moment 3km is your limit but you try your best to improve your skill.

You're in class 1-A in the best hero school in Japan- U.A! You're actually on your second year there.

You're always with your best friends, Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki, Sero and also Mina but it depends if she's with the girls at the moment or not. You love spending time with them, especially with Denki and Kirishima, they are always so funny and always makes you laugh. Bakugo didn't like you at the beginning in school but as the time was passing it seemed like he's actually a good friend of yours.

There's also someone to tease. Iida Tenya, the class representative. You always liked to tease him or make him mad by breaking rules, for example: putting feet on the table, running in the hallway, or talking while lessons. You just liked to make him mad, you didn't really know why.

And today... Was the next day of fun! AKA school! As always standing in front of the school's gate gave you chills, the same chills that you got on your first day.

"Here I come again!"

|𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕣𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤| Tenya Iida x reader |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora