-1- walking home

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Hinita's POV

"OK GUYS CLEAN UP AND GET HOME!" Dachi yells signaling the end of afternoon practice.

I grab my bag get changed and meet Kageama by the door.

"Ready to walk home?"I ask.

"Yeah. Hurry up dumbass!"he yells back.

"I'm not a dumbass!"I yell back.

He always calls me that. I'm not a dumbass! He is!

"Yeah you are dumbass!"

Before I could yell back tanks walked in between us.

"Let's go I don't want to be late."I say walking away from him only to have him walk right back next to me.

Stupid long legs.

We walk along keeping conversation...well arguing but whatever.

Then I start thinking. I have never seen Kageama blush.

"Hay Kageama who do you like!" I yell at him. And boy did it work. His face got all red and he was all flustered.

"N-no one!" He yells back at me but I'm not stupid. I know that there is someone.

"Your lying! I know there is! Spill it!" I yell.

"Shut up dumbass!" He yells at me.

"Only if you tell me!"I yell even louder.

"Fine fine just stop yelling." He says returning to a normal volume.

I smile in victory and look over to see Kageama deep in thought.

"Ok so there's this girl."

That hurt. I don't know why but just hearing that one sentence hurt my chest.

"But you promise you wouldn't tell anyone!" Kageama says.

"Yeah." I say looking down at my feet as we walk. Kageama turns to me and gives a confused look.

"Hay. Are you ok?" He asks. I realize I'm not my happy self anymore but I'm not happy. I don't know why but I don't like that Kageama likes someone else.

"Yeah fine. Keep going."I say looking back up at him.

"Ok well she has dark brown hair with matching eyes. Her name is Rachel. Do you know her?"he asks.

The same pain goes through my chest when I hear how happy he sounds talking about her. Has he ever sounded like that with me? I don't think so.

I have never met this Rachel girl but I don't like her. I don't know why and I know that I have no reason too but I just don't like her.

"Never heard of her."I say return my gaze back to my shoes.

"Oh well she is really nice. I have English with her."

English is one of the few class I don't have with Kageama.

"Ok."I say a little more harsh than intended but I don't think Kageama noticed.

We keep walking now in silence. An awkward atmosphere around us.

I'm not used to it being like this. We usually can talk and yell and laugh like normal but now the only sound is the wind blowing by every now and then.

The split in the road where we part is coming up and I can't get that stupid Rachel girl out of my head.

I turn down the road away from Kageama mumbleing a little

"Bye" before walking away. I can tell Kageama has no clue what going on with me and for that matter neither do I.

I don't know why I care...I just do. And I don't like this girl and how he talks about her.

My chest hurts thinking about these things and i feel like I way a million pounds.


Ok short first chapter. I know. But The next one will be longer. Ok hope you like this first one.
Welp see you next time my little duckies 🐤🐤🐤

Figuring things out - Kagehina Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt