Chapter 1: Training with an Angel

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I was currently in my Fifth and Final Form, going full power as I charged at my Mentor, Teacher and Uncle figure Mojito. 

Image of Mojito:

Just like every time during our training he dodged effortlessly, teleported behind me and scolded me "What have I told you about using direct attacks?" I simply smirked and attempted to strike him with my tail

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Just like every time during our training he dodged effortlessly, teleported behind me and scolded me "What have I told you about using direct attacks?" I simply smirked and attempted to strike him with my tail.

Once again he dodged me and complimented me. "Attacking with your tail? That's new. Impressive." He then landed a blow to my back which caused me to go flying. However I was able to slow my speed and flip in order to land on my feet again. 

I quickly spun around in order to fire my Apocalypse Beam at him however he effortlessly stuck his hand up and flicked the beam back at me. I was able to dodge just in time as the beam flew past me narrowly missing.

I figured now would be a good time to use the Energy of Destruction that Mojito had taught me how to use. I landed back on the ground and begun to channel the destructive power through my body. My muscles grew bulkier, my already red eyes began to glow even redder and I was surrounded by a purple aura.

Mojito kept his calm face on however but did comment on my transformation. "I see your taking note of what I taught you. Good at least someone in this Universe listens to my guidance." I fired a ball of destructive energy at him but he stopped it and hurled it into the sky. It came into contact with a nearby moon and destroyed it instantly.

I shielded my eyes from the explosion but when I looked back I noticed Mojito was not there. Then I felt a chop to my neck and I fell to the floor. Mojito was stood over me simply staring down with his usual vacant expression.

"You are improving Y/N but you still have a long way to go before you will be able to take the mantle of God of Destruction."I looked up at him "Why is it that you want me to take Sidra's title?"

 Mojito turned to me and spoke calmly "You see Y/N. The Universes are measured by what is called their Mortal Level. As of right now our Universe 9 holds the lowest Mortal Level out of the 12 with a measly 1.86." I noticed him clutch his staff tighter in anger as he continued.

"One of the main reasons for that is because our Gods, your father Sidra and your Uncle Roh are incompetent and are unfit to maintain this Universe. That is where you come in Y/N. From the day we first found you in Universe 7 all those years ago I believed that you would be the one to restore the Universe to it's full potential."

I nodded in understanding and suddenly we were approached by both my adopted father Sidra and my second Uncle figure the Kai of the 9th Universe Roh whom I had to admit I found annoying at times.

Images of Sidra and Roh:

Images of Sidra and Roh:

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Sidra instantly spoke up "You wouldn't mind if I interrupted your little training session would you? An important matter has arisen

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Sidra instantly spoke up "You wouldn't mind if I interrupted your little training session would you? An important matter has arisen." We both turned to face the Gods and I spoke up "What matter?"

Roh then spoke "Grand Zeno has called for all the Gods to come to his palace immediately. He is holding an exhibition match between our Universe and Universe 7." I reverted back to my 1st Form as my eyes widened at the mention of the Universe where I was born.

Sidra finished Roh's sentence "Both Universes are to select three warriors to participate." I grinned at the opportunity to test my skills and impress the other Gods. "Well then sign me up." Instantly Roh began to look nervous "Oh. That's the problem. We've already selected our fighters. May I introduce brothers, Bergamo, Basil and Lavender, the Trio De Dangers."

He then gestured to three Wolves who stood there staring at me. The Blue one whom I believed was Bergamo spoke up "So this is Y/N? The warrior who's supposedly stronger than us? I must say I'm not impressed."

Image of the Trio De Dangers. Bergamo (Blue), Basil (Red), Lavender (Yellow):

I glared at him and threatened "If your so confident why don't we have a little 1v3 battle right now

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I glared at him and threatened "If your so confident why don't we have a little 1v3 battle right now. Consider it practice for the tournament." They all grinned and spoke in unison "Your on."

We headed back to where me and Mojito were sparring and I transformed into my 5th Form again. I knew that if I used this form I would have minimal trouble with these mutts.


Our fight didn't last long as my 5th Form made short work of all three of them. However I had to say I was impressed. Bergamo actually held his own for a while and both Basil and Lavender did a decent job but I outclassed them easily at 100% even without using my God of Destruction powers which Sidra and Roh still knew nothing about.

I once again reverted back to my 1st Form as all three brothers knelt before me and began grovelling "Please forgive us Y/N. We were idiots to have doubted you!" I instantly smiled "All is forgiven. I must say you did well to last as long as you did."

We were interrupted by Sidra who once again spoke up "Now if your not too busy can we all head to the Omni King's palace now?" I nodded and we all gathered round to grab Mojito's shoulders as he teleported us to the sight of the Exhibition matches.

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. 

Universe 9's Strongest (Dragon Ball Super x Male Arcosian Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora