Joji POV -Gelato Shop

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I almost died when I saw her sitting there on the curb. It was bad enough it was so fucking hot outside today, but made even worse by the fact I had to look at Olivia in those little shorts and little white tank top. She looked like an angel and my heart skipped a beat just looking at her.

She sat on the curb chatting with Niki when Ian and I stepped out of the ice cream shop. I wanted to sit beside her, be close to her, but I knew I had no right. I barely had any place touching her as often as I did now, but that didn't stop me from taking any chance she allowed me. Ian sat at the table beside the door so I reluctantly followed, taking the seat across from him.

I barely registered the conversation, something about the beach. Ian and Niki were arguing and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Niki's insistence at being driven to a more upscale, private beach. She about lost it when I suggested Brighton, knowing full well she'd hate that but Ian would agree. She glared at me with the most unintimidating scowl in the world. I laughed at her, taking a scoop of my gelato and glancing over to Olivia.

The top of her head shone like a halo under the sun. Her legs that were stretched in front of her had a light sheen a sweat that made her skin glow and made my mouth dry. I swallowed the ice cream that had melted in my mouth as I watched her.

She looked down at her legs when a drop from her ice cream fell onto her thighs and reached beside her for a napkin.

I can clean that up for you

When she was done another drop had fallen down her hand and onto her chest and my mind went straight to the gutter... as if it wasn't there already. A white droplet slid over Olivia's cleavage, barely making it down into her top before she wiped it away.

I swallowed down the saliva that pooled in my mouth, glancing at Ian as he continued arguing with Niki before returning my attention to the little angel in front of me.

I hadn't registered what I'd done until after Ian called attention to me. The girl I'd fantasized about almost every night for months had her little pink tongue running against the length of the ice cream cone in her cream covered hand. Her tongue scooped up every drop before disappearing into her mouth and God help me, I couldn't keep the dirty thoughts away. I'm so sorry.

It was when she licked the top of the cone, her tongue curling and covering itself in sweet cream before being pulled back between two pillowy pink lips that did it. I had unconsciously crushed my cone in my fist, causing the gelato inside to seep between the cracks and over my hand, onto the table. I honestly didn't know until Ian's voice broke through my haze, asking me if I was alright.

He redirected the girls' attention to me and suddenly both Niki and Olivia had their eyes on me, but Liv's gaze was the only one I met. Her big brown eyes observing me curiously. She's so fucking beautiful.

I looked away quickly, feeling embarrassment rise up as I was caught ogling her.

"Water." I replied to Ian and stood up from the table, deciding I would hide out in the bathroom until my embarrassment and... other things... went away. 

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