Info about Y/N

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Hello, my name is Y/N. I am 18 years old. I go to highschool. I live alone in a huge mansion with maids and a butler. The mansion is under my control, there are secret bases, command control, etc. Some may say that I am a "demon", but I'm only that when I'm angry or need to use my abilities. 

My powers are if I get stabbed, shot etc. I will not die or feel pain. I have these ginormous wings (the wings are in the top) that expand out of my back. I have fire abilities (my fire is blue). I am very strong. I have speed (not like The Flash). 

My parents taught me how to fight and to control my powers, along controlling my anger before they died. 

Oh and I'm a fucking badass girl. One last thing, there are people who want to kill me because of my powers.


Hallo Simone here!

Sorry for a LONG break! 

Here is a new story. Hope you like it!

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