"What?" I smiled at her.

"You're so brave, little red bird." she laughed.

I looked passed her smiled too,"You're turn."

She turned around and quickly turned back to me with a huge girly smile. Her teeth shined like purls and she looked up at the sky trying to hold her happiness. "What is he doing here?" she looked at me.

"Well AnnyMay Jimbring is Brody Jimbring's little sister and this is her first year in high school too." I explained as I watched him and his sister walked toward us, holding hands.

"Hey, Brody Boy." all the older girls sang when he reached the stop sign with AnnyMay. She quickly danced to my side and held my hand. She didn't talk, she never talked but she wrote notes. Everyone thought she was a mute with the beauty of a doll. She had always been quiet and cute and my best friend. The Jimbring's were close family friends. They were like a second family to Hayden and I and she was in love with Brody a.k.a. Brody Boy. Hayden used to tease him with that name growing up and it stuck.

"Hey, Ashley. Hey, Hayden." he kind of sung her name and fell into her gaze.

"Hey, Brody Boy." she giggled like the lady she was. He smiled at her bubbliness. I smiled at their love story play. AnnyMay squeezed my hand to get my attention. I looked over and she had a huge smile on her face.

"What?" I asked her. She jumped up and down and danced me to the bench. I watched as she unpacked her lunch box and gave me a note. It had a drawing of a smile and a girl. She was going to a school.

"Are you excited to go to school today?" I guessed. She nodded her head happily. "Me too." I smiled.

She looked down and pulled a pencil out to scribble on a another piece of paper. It didn't take long and she gave me another picture. It was a girl and another girl. They were holding hands and going in doors and then out doors. It had a clock and the sun.

"Do you want me to stay with you all day?" I guessed. She nodded again with pleasure. "If I can. Okay?"

She shrugged but still seemed pleased with our successful communication. She had a hard time talking to other people but she loved to carry conversations with me because I usually found a way to understand her. I remember when she grew frustrated on drawing a heart and I taught her. She gave me that heart and I still have it in my writing book. AnnyMay is the only person I have ever let read my writing book. She was good at keeping secrets and I was sure mine were safe with her. She knew things that not everyone thought she knew, her silence was a powerful tool of hers.

"I think your brother like my sister. I know my sister likes your brother. Did you tell him what I told you? That Hayden might consider a ring from him?" I asked. She shrugged with her hands and tapped her lips.

"Well of course you couldn't tell the boy but did you give him hints?" I rephrased. She smiled.

"I told her about him. She was dancing and singing about him like a love sick pup." I laughed. She laughed her silent laugh. The movements but no sound.

"I'm telling you AnnyMay, it won't be long before they get married and we become sisters too. My best friend becomes my sister and you get two new great sisters." I looked over at our siblings and curved my hand it put it up in the air on the image of the talking pair. AnnyMay took her hand and did the same thing, she then paired it with mine and sealed the shape, and in closed them in the hand heart.

We saw Brody slowly reach for Hayden's hand as they spoke and when their skin touch she jumped at first until she saw what was going on. The prissy girls were talking glaring over at my sister. It was a good thing her back was toward them. Brody tried again and they held hands quietly but I could see her blushing like wild fire.

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