Chapter 12

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"What else do you know?" Steve asked. "They're specifically engineered to blindly follow basic commands, are related to the Chitauri, but possess superhuman physical abilities. The best chance you have is to outsmart them," I said, shooting another in the head. Soon enough, the ground around me was littered with Outriders. I was vaguely aware of the explosions ceasing but was too focused on fighting. Cull Obsidian had knocked Rhodey out of the air.

 We kept fighting, but the Outriders just kept coming. Wakandans laid on the ground, claw marks on their chests. Our ranks were thinning by the minute, but there were too many of them. Bruce had been knocked down, and there was an entire pack of Outriders on top of him. A particularly stubborn Outrider charged up to me, sinking its teeth into my arm.

I stabbed it in the throat, wrenching its head out my arm. Blood rolled down in waves, my suit soaking in the scarlet liquid. Another ran up, and I grabbed a Wakandan spear, stabbing it in the chest and knocking another in the head. Most warriors had stopped fighting, for the most part, tired out from the battle. Fatigue was only starting to set in, thanks to my mother.

I stabbed two of them in the necks, pulling one out and decapitating another. One of the Outriders ran into my chest, knocking me onto my back. More piled on, and I heard a shout from in the distance. "Tanya!" I couldn't make it out, my ears were ringing from the shots I fired from my gun. Eventually, it got knocked out of my hand and skidded off.

I threw up my hands to protect my face, unable to reach any of my knives or my bow. Claws raked my arms, fists pounding everything else. I got a particularly hard blow to the stomach, knocking the wind out of me and causing blood to flood my mouth. I spat out the metallic liquid, trying to regain my breath. My mind was overwhelmed, my wounds flaring in pain.

I couldn't see a way out of it. I was going to die, I knew it. I wondered if this is what it was like. Being alone, knowing death was around the corner. Hope was draining from me like blood from my wounds.

That is until I heard a rumble of thunder.

a/n Totally still not updating during Social Studies.

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