The Bracelet

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{i cant help but think i haven't felt this way
since you asked me to go steady}


"What is that?" I look over at an astonished Miles and i stutter*, "I- i dont know!" okay before you even think about judging me, brain, what do you want me to do? I can't  just be like, 'surprise, bitch, we're soulmates'!

I dont even understand it myself..                               (*bill denbrough who?)

he continues to stare at the piece of jewelry before looking me directly in the eyes. "Who are you, y/n l/n ?" to buy myself time ,i revert to being sarcastic. "Don't most people figure that out in their mid to late thirties?"

he gives me a dubious glance, then proceeds to gently take the bracelet of my wrist. I look at him questioningly and he explains, "It keeps shocking me, and you never know when you might want to hold my hand,"

I scoff playfully. "In your dreams, Fairchild," i say before watching him walk out of the room, which seems to have gone mysteriously dark. Not soon after, I hear a banging sound in Miles' room, and of course, my stupid self invvestigates.

why the hell did i investigate?

"Miles?" i call out to him through the crack in his door. I peek inside and gasp. Immediately, Miles turns around, a huge grin taking up his now malicious looking features. "Miss me already?" he asks with a dark chuckle.

"Whats going on in here?" I step inside the room bathed in an eery red glow that seems to originate from Miles himself. "Shhh.. lets have some real fun." 'Miles' points to the closet door. "Get in," "Are you out of your goddam--"

Im interrupted by a force pushing me into the closet. "LET ME OUT. MILES, THIS ISNT FUNNY. WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE YOURE GOING TO FU-" A loud bang from the room accompanied by the sound of Miles and another man speaking silences me midscream.

"No, Quint not this one, please! I dont want to hurt her like you made me hurt Alyssa!"

"You are going to do what i say or she dies right now. Look at you! The old miles would never cower in fear over a little fun! You've gone soft and its time to teach them what happens when they anger me. Now choose."

choose? choose what? And who the hell is Alyssa?



"Be ready, miles. You never know when you will be needed."  
Quint leaves the room with a dark, booming chuckle.



i see quints shadow leave my body and i rush to unllock the closet door.
"Y/n! y/n, are you okay? I'm so sorry-" i was soon unable to finish my sentence as something started happening to my body.

I felt something crawl  up my throat as i struggled to breathe. I caught sight of myself in the small bathroom mirror through the open door and watched as a giant Black Widow made its way out of my mouth.

I gasp as i start to cry, but not normal tears. These are a deep, pitch black tears that stick to the ground, festering and running up the walls like thick vines that you would see in a fricking Tarzan movie.

I look at the girl next to me through bleary eyes and gasp,"y/n" before i go under.

oh god oh god oh god.            |
what the hell is happening?
I cant see. my throat hurts.    |
Bleak pitch black darkness. 
miles.                                             |

"miles! Wake up! MILES!"
The boy laying with whose head is currently resting on a soft green pillow finally opens  his eyes. "Oh thank God."

"When did i change? and  why am i not im my own room?" I stare at him blankly, trying to decipher his words.

"Miles, you blacked out. You seriously dont remember?" He looks around the unfamiliar room at the two other occupants, Kate and Mrs. Grose, and shakes his head no.

I gotta get them out of here. I need to find out what  happened and why i felt everything he was feeling.

"I think it would be best if we left them to it. Miles just woke up and im sure he would appreciate the space," Kate turned toward me me with a look that said, i know what you guys are doing but im not going to stand in your way.

Theres so much you can say with a look. But right now, Miles' was saying something was killing him inside and i need to figure out what.

oh, and maybe figure out WHY THE HELL I CANT REMEMBER ANYTHING.

im sorry its so short but its five am lmao
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