Chapter Three

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For a simple walk down the street, the three of them had aroused a good bit of attention. Which, frankly, Clear couldn't find to be surprising. The three of them were rather well-known around town, as the theatre was one of the attractions around those parts, so it wasn't unusual in the slightest. And, they were still basically wearing what they had worn for their performances, Switch in her white shirt and black vest, along with matching pants, though she had changed out of her dress pants and into a pair of inky black jeans, claiming it to be a matter of comfort. Her dual hair glistened with glitter and had been gelled back. The buckles on her boots chimed with each step she took and her axe necklace glistened. Dust more or less wore a matching outfit to hers, though his dress shirt was black and his vest white, as were his own pair of belted boots. He had tied his dark brown hair back with a ribbon, though locks of it still hung in the front, being too short to be tied.

        The two of them were almost blinding to look at. In comparison, Clear felt rather plain in her black sleeveless shirt, jeans, and combat boots, her only accessories being the wristbands on either wrist. When she performed she tried not to wear anything all that stunning as to not distract anyone from the stories she told and the tricks she displayed. It was meant for her to 'blend with the background.' Her hair didn't quite allow that, a bother on her part, what with its natural color being a platinum blond, nearly bordering on frost. Switch said it was pretty and she should be proud of it, going as far as to even trim it monthly, keeping it in its bobbed style, though Clear only found it to be a nuisance. As long as it wasn't in her way, she could put up with it, at least.

        The coffee shop was oddly... ordinary, if any word had to be used to describe it. Chestnut walls, polished wooden floors, intricate iron tables and seats, a wooden counter, white menu board, pretty waitress. The outside had made it appear more promising, what with the exotic flowers lining the windows and pretty sign displaying the shop's name in elegant white letters: Relaz.

        Switch was quick to display her disappointment with the appearance, mumbling about how plain and normal it was and how ridiculous it was of her to expect something else. She silenced her complaints, though, when she placed their order: simple coffee with whipped cream and  a chocolate chip scone for Switch, a mocha latte for Clear, and hot chocolate and a strawberry shortcake for Dust. There is promise in the menu, she had said.

        "Never judge by appearances," Clear scolded Switch soundly.  A huff was her only response. "You couldn't have expected much, you know. It's just a coffee shop; it's not like you'd see a parade of elephants in drag."

        "Though that would be really interesting to see," Switch commented, that amused grin of hers plastered on her face. Dust gave a soft chuckle to the image that played in his head. "But no," she continued, a sigh escaping past her lips, "I was thinking it'd maybe have more of a retro theme. Something old school..."

        "We already have one of those, remember?" Dust chimed in, leaning his arms on their table. "What was it called... Charley's Corner? Something like that."

        "Casey's Corner," Switch corrected him. "On the other side of town. With their shitty coffee. Their set up is the only thing they got going for them; it's a wonder their still in business."

        "I'm pretty sure they closed down about a month ago, actually," recalled the illusionist.

        "Well there ya go. No business in business."

        The waitress came up, then, holding a tray with what they ordered. Switch put on a charming smile as she put it down and began dispersing what they wanted to who wanted it. "Thanks doll," she said, taking a moment to actually look at the girl. "Pardon me if I'm rude, but I have to say that you look absolutely lovely." Dust nodded his agreement. The waitress reacted well to this, giving a bright smile to the compliment.

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