one direction.

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- Ashton -

It had been three months since the boys introduced me into the band with a cover of Teenage Dirtbag. We'd posted a ton more videos, plus gained a ton of subscribers. We gained a lot more when I shared the channel with my Tumblr account.

Now that we had all graduated high school, it was a lot easier to post videos. We all got an apartment together. All of us had taken a gap year and got shitty jobs at the mall. Luke and I worked at Hot Topic, Michael worked at GameStop, and Calum worked at Starbucks.

"I'm home." I shouted as I walked into the apartment. It was my week to go get the groceries. My arms were full with bags, since I refused to walk back down five flights of stairs for a second trip. The elevators were out of order.

"Welcome home!" Luke shouted back. I kicked my shoes off and set all the groceries down on the table. I heard Calum yell a curse word, so I imagine him and Michael are playing Fifa. Luke walked over to me to help put up the groceries. 

"I better get a six-pack from carrying all those." I said. I already had one, but I just wanted to complain. I don't see how I got one from sitting on Tumblr all day. I'm not complaining or anything. Luke laughed and put up a jug of milk. My phone buzzed, and I grabbed it and typed in my password. I had a Twitter notification.


@5SOS Louis showed us some of your vids on Youtube. We're impressed and we need an opening band. U guys in? DM us

"Holy shit!" I shouted when I finished reading it. Luke came up behind me and read the screen, screaming after he read it. The neighbours next to us hit the wall and told us to quiet down, which we did. I ran into the room Michael and Calum were in and threw my phone at Michael's face.

"Ouch, you bitch." Michael said, grabbing his face where I hit it.

"Read the phone!" I shouted at them. Michael widened his eyes and grabbed my phone. Once he read it, he handed it to Calum. They both had their freak out why I was trying to decide what to message back.

"What do I say?" I asked. 

"Just something that sounds smart and accepts." Luke replied. I nodded and began to type a direct message to them.

@5SOS: that'd be great!! more than great actually! wayyyy better. so what do we have to do?

"There! Sent!" I said. Waiting for the reply was going to be the hardest thing ever. We waited for a second before my phone dinged. We all gathered around it.

@onedirection: We'll take care of your flights to America for u. Basically you guys really just have 2 accept and bring your instruments haha. And passports. Those fuckers are kinda important 2. Message your phone #? It'd be easier 2 talk. Who am I speaking 2 anyway? Nialler x

@5SOS: sounds easy haha. it's ashton, by the way. though all of us are crowded around the phone. 

"You forgot to give your number!" Calum said. I cursed myself, and sent him Luke's number.

"I sent him your number in case this is a trap." I said, looking up at Luke.

"Gee, thanks." He replied. I smiled and sat up to kiss him.

"Ew, romance." Michael said, going back to his match of Fifa with Calum. Luke's phone buzzed, and then there was a phone call. That led to a Skype call with all the boys. We just told them stories and all of us. Michael and Calum were asleep when they Skyped us. We told them about us being together, which they were cool with. 

Finally, we were getting our lives together.


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