Introductions and Acquaintances from the Author

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Hi, I'm Kei Monet but yall can call me Kei. 

"How are doing on this lovely day?" 

And if your day hasn't been that lovely, keep in mind you're alive and your life can randomly change for the better so heads high. 🤗🤗🤗


This is my first time publishing any of my personal written work so bear with me.

This is just a little collection of some poems I wrote - some seem like forever ago, some seem like yesterday even though they all aren't that old in the grand scheme of things and life.

These poems are near and dear to me and little heart because they show a side of myself that mostly only my friends know about. But I'm trying to change that little by little because it also apart of me.

The title of this collection is supposed to embody its essence of evolvement but also the start of something I want to fully venture into. Haha 😂😂😂, get it? If you get my little fun with wordplay, leave a comment and let me know. 


I hope you enjoy them as much as I did writing and reading them.

Source, Seed, StemHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin